It's cold outside.

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Elena observes all of them barging into the houses, the distant sounds of pleads and smashes. Sacks of food pulled out.

"Why can't you just give us the food that is hiding in your chest?" asks Askeladd.

Elena clicks her tongue in annoyance, "I told you already. It's hard to produce the food that comes from my chest. It uses energy. If I use it to feed your 104 soldiers, there won't be any more for the 74 soldiers Then I need to recharge for a week. So on, so forth."

Askeladd looks on. As if calculating something

Then he walks away.

Elena sighs. Advancing back to watch the whole scene, then eye the girl in the woods. When the girl notices Elena, she tenses, her breathing quicken, eyes wide, knees weak, moms' spaghetti.

Elena looks around, making sure no individual is looking, then she gives the girl a nod and marches away.

The redheaded brunette lets out a breathe, relieved yet still terrified. She got lucky, though she was confused. The lady with the mask interested her. She wore such a regal cloak!

Purple! Colour is so rare and expensive that she must be a royal! And the brooch she sees is a snake, and the colour of green and silver- the lady she sees is a mystery. Her skin is darker than most, easy to hide in the trees were it not for her cloak or the white hair that is on top of her head.

Why did the lady let her go? Was it because they were both of the same sex? Her mind raced and her interest grew into something that became more of almost an attraction.

"A lady so rich, and one so mysterious... She looks like a harlot with the clothing she wears but it is draped with ones made for a queen! Did those vicious Vikings steal that for her?" wondered the girl before she saw her family and shrank back to the trees.


Elena studies the civilians from the circle of the killers. Most of them are rather silent while infants wail.

Elena laments and steps closer. As she does, her robes and the tassels flap. The common folk stare in amazement at the colours she wears. The vivid light purple and her bright green brooch with the silver twinkling a bit at the little shed of the moonlight.

At the sight of her, the mask and what Elena wears, they had many things run around their head.

Rich; Clothing of purple is expensive and the brooch must be expensive too. Her mask is neatly done and paler than the snow, accented by the crimson paint. All of the clothing she wears is what many wish they can afford.

Royalty; What else can she be to have all those lavish things in her grasp? If not a noble- a royal!

Whore; Her breast are shown too much and so is her stomach, pants hugging tightly of her legs to show them off and her boots heeled high. And she stays with the men- they most likely have fucked her! They are  Vikings! And Vikings are savage brutes that are full of sin(Note the sarcasm, my dear readers)!

A Foreigner; Her skin is dark and her hair is... different. The whiteness of it is that blends into black. And her lips are larger than they have seen before; full and pink.

All those and more.


Askeladd exits out of a house, striding with confidence and a playful smirk on his face- as always- Elena almost swoons.

"Hey, Priest!", calls out he.

Willibald stares at Askeladd, almost in a glaring fashion.

Askeladd saunters over, confidently, "You're the prince's teacher. That makes you our guest". Askeladd hunches over a bit, so he is eye level and close to the priest's face in a threatening manner. "I'll forgive you just this once. But if you get in our way, again, I'm going to kill you on the spot."

"I hate priests, to be honest," comments Askeladd as he steps back.

"Are you guys... Danes?" the guy that was the father of the redheaded brunette asks. "Do any of you speak our language?"

He is met with a cold(badum-tshh!) glance from Askeladd. His icy(badum-tshhx2) blue eyes only moving to look at the pitiful man.

And the man shuts his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth, he shuffles on his knees,  looking up at Askeladd with eyes of pleading- ready to touch into the heart of humanity of him.

"I beg you! Leave us half of the food! Please, at least leave us half of the food. If we have half, we can make it through the winter!", he commences to plead but is met with silence, no response.

The man uses his last option, one he can hope will move Askeladd's heart.

"I have a baby! Please!", his tone is desperate his face as if in anger, he's at the edge and doing his best.

"A baby? That's rough."

The man turn's to Elena, slightly surprised that she can speak English- and so are many others.

Elena taps into her inner coldness, touching the brooch on her chest, feeling the shape of the snake. She is close to Askeladd and her want to impress the man is all her mind can think of(not really, she has other things on her mind but she needs to have Askeladd on her side- she needs to be trustworthy).

The man is in slight delight. The lady might be easier to persuade as she is a female! All women love children and this one seems to be at the age of marriage and possibly have a child from wherever she is-and if she doesn't-she probably is thinking to have one since all women want one(Note more sarcasm)!

"Put your heart at ease. You won't have to worry about making it through the winter.", she lays a hand on Askeladd's shoulder, "This man has thought about you and your struggle." you speak in earnest, tilting your head.

"Really? Really?", the man asks, delight springing in himself as the chilly wind blows whips the air

"It's true," he responds, but his eyes are a dull gray. "You don't need to worry about making it through this winter or any winters to come."

She releases her hand from Askeladd's shoulder and bends over to place it on the man's. She gives a smile, a soft one.

"I'm going to release you from your sufferings.", she says kindly.

"Askeladd. They're civilians." Ragnar responds.

"Even if I let them live, I don't have any food to feed them. If even one of them escapes, they're going to tell the enemy that we're here. We can't allow that to happen."

Elena pulls back away from the man and stands tall next to Askeladd. She listens to the conversation but she knows how this will go. She watches it happen and she prays with great happiness that she was able to see this all in an anime style.

Elena pulls the cloak close to her and gives a soft smile.

What the fuck has happened to her life.


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