Part 16

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Just as Eva entered, she immediately realized her mistake. I looked at her than Kim Junmyeon who also looked at her just how he looked at me when I shouted in his office. If it was his office, I was sure Eva would have received an ethics lecture for sure.

“Oh Sir Junmyeon , you are here? I am sorry I did not know.” She quickly composed herself and acknowledged him.

“It’s okay. I think I should go.” He said and stood up intending to leave. I was suddenly sad to hear that. I could not understand at all why.

He looked at me nodding his head. I was thinking of an excuse to make him stay when Eva beat me to it.

“I have brought lunch. You can stay with us if you don’t mind, sir. We would really like it to have a meal with you.” She offered him. She was so much better than me in such matters. I was looking at him and hopping he would accept the offer. He was silently standing; his gaze lingered towards me for a while, but he seemed to be coming to  a conclusion.

“Thank you, but I have some important work.” He replied to Eva while looking at me.

“Make sure Miss Eva that your friend eats her meals on time.” He instructed her, had a last glance at me and left with his confident strides. Eva glared at me but also left to see him till door as it was a common ethic when you had guests over.

Why was my heart feeling so warm? I could feel the butterflies roaming inside my stomach again. I was a bit sad that he had to leave so early, but he was a busy person so it was understandable. I did not know why I had started enjoying his presence. Looking at the way he was concerned for me, made me truly happy. He was just the company boss so what was up with all those feelings?

“Care to explain what was all these? And why didn’t you tell me you were this sick?” I did not know when Eva entered the room, but she was standing beside the door folding her arms asking me calmly. Knowing Eva, that calm manner did not settle right with me.

“I thought I could make it till you came back, but the pain was really intense. I was about to call you, but there was someone at the door ringing the doorbell. I thought it was you.” I said defending myself.

“But why would I ring the bell when I always have the keys with me?” She was still not buying what I was saying.

“How would I have known? I was not in the position to think properly.” I told her. She seemed to realize that I had a point. She started walking towards my bed and sat down.

“Jichu, do you know how terrible I was feeling to find the doctor coming out of our dorm? I asked him what he was doing here, and he told me he was here for your check-up. I had a whole chit-chat session with him to know about your condition and all.” I felt bad that she had to find out and not from me. But something clicked in my mind. I thought to pull her leg.

“Oh! You came to know about my condition, and the first thing you could have done was to check up on me; instead you had a chat with the doctor?” She bit her tongue when I said this. You thought only you could tease me?

“I am sorry, Jichu. I was worried and did not know what to do.” She explained with a guilty smile.

“It is alright, my Eve.” I said pinching her cheeks while she frowned.

“Eve? Can’t you come up with a better nickname?” She said playfully glaring at me.

“Says the one who calls me Jichu.” I also returned her playful glare.

“Fair enough!” She said ending the childish banter.

“You did not tell me why the CEO was here?” She asked. My heart skipped a beat. It was not like we did something we should not have done, so my heart’s reaction to hearing his name was beyond me.

“I told you someone was at the door. So I went to open the door and found him standing there. Afterwards, I passed out then found myself lying on bed with this.” I told her pointing towards the needle that was deep stuck in my skin.

“Oh My God, how are you now? Sorry for being stupid, but I was so angry at you that I did not notice it.” She said feeling guilty. I smiled at her.

“It’s okay and I am fine. I cannot believe I have said ‘I am fine’ for the umpteenth time today.” I laughed.

“Who else have you said this to?” She asked curiously.

“You, Teacher Kyuhyun, the doctor, and… Sir Junmyeon.” I kept telling her the names and paused before CEO’s name for unexplainable and unknown reasons.

“Oh, I know Teacher Kyuhyun asked me for your number when I told her you were not feeling well and cannot attend today’s session. I hope you don’t mind.” She told me. I shook my head.

“No, it is fine with me. He is a nice teacher.” I replied.

“Oh, but how come the boss was here? I did not know he would come here when I told him you are sick.” Eva said thinking, gaining my attention instantly.

“What? Did you also tell him?” I asked perplexed.

“Yes when I was talking to you on phone, he was passing by the hallway. I think he heard me talking with you. He asked me who was sick after I hung up and I told him that you were.” She said shrugging her shoulders getting me thinking.

He could not have come here to visit me. He himself said that he came for an important matter. He also did not show that he already knew I was sick and to top that, he was with the doctor. May be, he really came for me when he hedrd I was not feeling well?!

‘You are overthinking, Jisoo. He is a busy person who runs a business empire. He would not drop his work for a sick little trainee. Besides, he is a workaholic, so it is very less likely he would do that.’ I chided myself for thinking like that. He is the boss after all. He did not have time for all that.

“You look lost in deep thoughts. Are you really fine?“ Eva put her hand on mine and asked.

“Yes Eve, I am fine and if you ask me one more time, I am going to strangle you.” I said playfully, and she laughed. The doorbell rang and Eva went to check.

She came after a few minutes holding some bags looking confused.

“I told you that I will bring lunch. Why did you order so many things?” She asked looking through the bags and placing each item on the table. They were all healthy foods: Fruits, soup, milk, packs of juices and other things.

“I did not order anything, Eva.” I answered her, and we looked at each other in confusion.

“But the delivery boy said that the order was in your name.”

“I don’t know. I was sick, yes! But not that sick to order and not remember.” I was truly confused.

“Oh, leave it. May be someone else did. Oh, Teacher Kyuhyun might have done it since he was truly worried when I told him about your condition.” She came to a conclusion making me wonder if he did it, but he would have said if he did it, wouldn’t he? I shrugged.

My mind was still not in its best condition to solve puzzles. So I thought to ask him the next day and thank him for his generosity.

He is a really nice person. Who would care for a trainee this much? I thought. I also was feeling grateful towards Kim Junmyeon who did not leave me alone when I passed out but instead called the doctor and stayed until I woke up.

I thought to thank them both the next day. Eva was preparing the table and I went to freshen up to have lunch. Skipping breakfast was really a bad idea.

The thoughts of Junmyeon filled my head again just like how they often did so randomly. I liked the way he instructed Eva and indirectly reminded me not to skip meals. He had his own ways and charms. I smiled but smacked myself on the head.

Gone are the days of your fangirling life. He is the CEO of the company where you are a trainee--a trainee. Stop with your thoughts!

I shook my head and went to have lunch.

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