Posing as a sheep, in the skin of a wolf

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"He really said that? Hibba your heart isn't made of stone, you had to have felt that." Hibba didn't reply Chichi, she only served the hot bournvita and milk beverage in front of Chichi and watched as she sipped some to warm herself before answering.

"I didn't know what to say. You know like, in my religion, dating isn't advised." Chichi made a sound of assent and waited for Hibba to continue, "I don't know I'm also very apprehensive, his grandmother is very aggressive and assertive,  she can obviously make life hard for me. I don't want any of that for myself." Chichi nodded, she understood very clearly Hibba's standpoint.

"What are you going to do now, you both have been calling each other, sending each other gifts, remember that time you sent my logistics guy to the airport to get him special spicy chai? You both obviously have something for one another, don't throw love away not knowing whether it was genuine or not.

What should determine how you do with him is your self, your strengths, not you projecting your fears on a relationship that could be an amazing part of you because you're just being a cowardly scaredy cat." Hibba hit Chichi with a throw pillow but the words she had spoken resonated with Hibba, she would do a test run first, if it worked out, it wouldn't hurt to move forward.

"Thank you Chi." Chichi raised her brows in a funny pose that made both if them laugh, when their laughter died out, Chichi said, "This is me watching you. If there are no important reasons, I don't want to hear you breaking up." Hibba raised her hand to hit Chichi and just as she let it land, ChiChi's words struck home.

"What breakup? We haven't even begun yet madam." Chichi nodded and lifted her cup to take a sip of the now cooler tea. She downed the cup in one go and leaned back with a sigh.

"You went home for Chizoba right!" Hibba said with a shout. ChiChi's only reply was to roll her eyes, Hibba leaned in and asked her, "What happened?"

"He took his family to visit my family, to ask for my hand in marriage. That man is a joke, do you know that he actually cheated on me, I found out, saw his chats, the fact that he did not use protection, and his only reply is to." She raised her hands to quote her next words, " 'ask for my hand in marriage', does he think I'm desperate to be married?" Hibba leaned back on her chair with a frown.

"What is he trying to achieve?" Chichi harshly laughed at Hibba's question. She took out a bottle of water from her bag and placed it on the small table between them, using it as an illustration.

"He thinks, telling my parents that he wants to marry me means I'll forgive him, two, it would mean my mom will advice me in his favour, three, it would make me the troublemaker when I want to break up with him. But I'm sure he's forgotten I'm closer than glue to my mom, immediately I found out, I told my mom, even before I called you. My mom must have todk my dad and when he went there, my mama, sweet woman asked him if he was well assured he was not in another relationship asides the one with me. He could not speak." Hibba shook her head in stupified silence, she could not speak.

"He did all that?" Chichi nodded very hard, she asked when she could speak again. Hibba shook her head again, the shock fading but she seemed to be scared all over again.

"And you say I should give Salman a chance? It's all on a probability basis." Chichi stuttered as she grasped what Hibba was saying. She definitely wanted to back out of whatever she had agreed to earlier, totally wash her hands off anything.

"You're the one to talk, that Kano man who has been calling you nko?" Hibba recovered and rolled her eyes. "I blocked him." Chichi widened her eyes and asked for the full gist, 'Kano man' was their code for him, to discuss him such that no one knew who they were talking about.

"Read my lips. I blocked him!" Hibba twisted her lips and laughed harshly. "So, the day you left for Lagos, a week ago right?" Chichi nodded, in rapt attention.

"He called me and I told him I had to go do a deliver of two hundred Zobo bottles, so I'd speak to him later.  His words were and I quote, 'When you're married to me, all these busniess nonsense, you'd have to end it'" Chichi leaned forward, anger evident on her face with her body began to shake.

"What kind of gutter talk is that one? Where then is your financial independence?" Hibba spread out her hands in question, "I asked him if his other wives worked and he proudly said he gave them everything they wanted so they didn't need to work. I just kept nodding, I ended the call and asked myself several questions, then I decided, I could never even be this man's wife. Never." Chichi looked like she had been hit with a stick on the head, so much that silence reigned for a moment.

"I'm such a paranoid person when it comes to marriage and everything men, I mean, I do every other thing without fear, but when it comes to men, I'm a blustering mess. I don't want to be cages or lied to all in the name of marriage. I don't, I just willingly and straightforwardly told him that I would not be able to marry him when he asks and blocked him." None of them spoke anymore, wondering how much the world was willing to give women.


"Mami, she's so pretty. Remember that amazing Zobo juice we had for Eid? She made it and she owns a business. She's my type of woman." Fatima lain on the chair in her stepmother's house and gushed about Hibba to Salman's mother.

Deena Mustaphir glanced at the girl and continued to embroider the handkerchief she was making for Salman. It had his initials with an aeroplane on it, a little complicated to form and sew but she took joy in making things for her only child and watching him use them.

"Really? I think I remember her now, the girl who brought Salman home, who makes drinks?" Fatima jumped up in excitement, her eyes filled with enthusiasm, she was enthused.

"You've met her then, no need to keep talking, I think I should just ask you what you feel about her?" Deena out down the firm circle pad that held the handkerchief that made it easy for her to embroider and took off her glasses.

"I think she's quite the strong woman, you know taking on her brother's child to raise on her own, in that same year, beginning a startup. She's ambitious, the kind of woman that I am not." Fatima turned to look at her step mother, she'd been raised to respect this beautiful woman that had studied in school to be a medical doctor but stayed home ever since she got married.

"Mami, do you regret ever not taking on work?" Deena laughed and took up her glass to take a sip of the homemade orange juice, licking her lips afterwards.

"I don't, I've never regretted my decision. I love your father wholeheartedly, I raised Salman with every ounce of being in me. That is my greatest achievement you know?" Fatima nodded. " Fatima, you have to understand that women are allowed to do whatever they want to be. Housewives or CEOs. They're free to dream or just lounge around."

Fatima nodded in understanding, then she asked the question that had brought her there. "What do you think of her for Yaya Salman?" Deena laughed again, this time the smile reached her eyes.

"I think she'll be Salman's most beautiful decision if she ever agrees to be with him. It is her choice." 


Special people💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

I updated! I know. 😂I didn't think I would too, but it's here and I just wanted you to have a taste, we get to serious work in the next chapter.

Also, in important news, my best girl LeemaLiyu began a new book, it's called And Then Came Love. Its one of those books you do not want to miss. I promise you, the book is on her profile, please make me and my girl happy 🙏🏽🙏🏽Thank you.

In other news? See y'all later. God bless y'all.

TheOmoope 💙💛🙃

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