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This is for those who think WSC worthy enough to put on their story. Thank you very much, May God bless you. I feel so loved😭❣️🙏🏽

The sound of glass breaking made Hibba rush from the Kitchenette where she was to the living room, Ummi's loud wailing followed right after and when Hibba saw the scene she put her hands on her head and stepped round the shattered glass that once once a mixing bowl.

The moment she lifted Ummi up, Ummi's tears raised a notch louder and Hibba looked down to the baby's left leg, watching with some measure of fear and pain mixed in. Hibba put Ummi on her back and walked into the room to wear a blue khimaar over her apricot pyjamas. It was slowly becoming dark outside, so Hibba turned on her phone's flashlight to find a gown for Ummi, she slowly slid it on the little girl to somewhat reduce the pain Ummi was feeling.

She found a cloth and strapped Ummi to her back firmly, watching as blood dripped into her hijab, at the door, she remembered that she had no cash on hand, she walked back in and picked her debit card from the pack of identity cards in her small purse.

Ummi's tears seemed to not stop, she hiccuped every now and then, reminding Hibba of the need to walk faster, as Hibba walked to the primary health care center in their area, she sang to Ummi. She turned on her torch to see if the blood has stopped but was alarmed to see that the blood kept pouring and had stained the entire left part of the material, she picked up her pace nearly dashing into the small bungalow hospital.

"Assalamualaikum!" She quickly greeted the nurse in white hijab and grey cardigan over white slacks. When the woman turned her attention to Hibba, she screamed so loudly that Ummi who has been crying silently stopped and leaned over from Hibba's back to check what the problem was. The nurse was pointing at the blood on Hibba's clothes with a pale face, Hibba's first reaction was to hiss and ask her if she had a phobia for blood, if there was anything like that, why was she working at the hospital?

"What do you mean there's no doctor to answer us? There used to be a doctor here a few months ago." Hibba's anger was rising, the baby was loosing so much blood but the sluggish Hemophobic nurse was saying things that made Hibba want to gift her a slap, She reined herself in and rushed out of the hospital, looking for a taxi or anything that could take her to the nearest private hospital.

By the time Ummi was taken into the new hospital three streets away from where they stayed, Hibba looked down at her blood stained clothes and burst into tears, silent sobs racking her body so much that the metal chair she was sitting on shook. She had child proofed the house at all times, taken away everything that could hurt Ummi away from her reach and all of a sudden this happened the only time she forgot to take care.

She wondered if she was really a good mother like people touted her out to be. She wondered if she had not let down herself and Ummi's parents. In the time she spent crying before the receptionist called her, she had thought of several things and fought a million battles with her mind.

She was paying the initial hospital bills when her phone rang. She felt a weight lift from her shoulders when she saw 'Cinammon eyes and ringlet hair' appear as the contact name, tiredly swiping to accept the call, Salman's agitated voice reached her after her tired Salam.

"What is wrong Hibba?" She heard the sound of a car's door being opened and the muted sound of horns and cars passing, she didn't even hear the actual sound of Salman's voice. She let air out through her nose, feeling the warmth of her tired breath.

"Ummi is in the hospital, I'm there too. She's been taken in since and no one has come out to see me." A tear slid down her nose, she raised her hand to dry it, just then,  The sound of a door shutting and Salman's exclamation followed her words.

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