Chapter 33

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I quietly entered the room and searched through my bag for my headphones, so I didn't eavesdrop on Billy. The food came soon after. I fixed Billy a cup of tea and slid it onto the nightstand next to him. After a few tries, I got a bundle of ice to settle on his ankle in the right place. Just when I thought I had gotten away with no disruption, Billy caught my hand and tugged me back to him.

"Thank you," he whispered, and gave me a lingering kiss before he returned to his call.

I plugged my earphones back in as I let the warmth of his kiss radiate through me while flipping through Heart of Darkness for the fifth time.

My text chime blared through my music. I glanced at a phone to see a message from Billy.

"Turn around."

I pulled my earbuds out and twisted to see him. "All done?"

"All done. You could've listened. It's not like I discussed anything secret in a radio interview."

"It felt weird. I ordered you an omelet and fruit."

"Coffee?" A pleading filled his eyes.

"Tea," I corrected.

"Lil, I need coffee to survive," he had a severe tone.

"You seem to be fine." I set the omelet on his lap.

"What's in it?" He poked at the food as though it may bite him.

"It's an egg-white veggie omelet." I turned to avoid the inevitable wince he would let out.

"No meat?" He poked at the plate. "No cheese?"

"What was the last vegetable you ate?"

"Does ketchup or pizza sauce count?" Billy shrugged as he continued to poke at the eggs.

"No," I plopped down on the bed next to him with the fruit. "Grape?"

He opened his mouth to let me pop one inside.

"Take better care of yourself! No wonder you're so run down."

"Lil, I'm not rundown; I'm jetlagged."

"Agree to disagree."

"I don't agree to disagree. Lil..."

"I'm only here for a few days. Do you want to spend that time fighting?" I innocently looked up at him.

"Nope," his plate fell to the floor as he grabbed my face and pulled me towards him.

"Fruit," I mumbled to his lips.

He grabbed my plate, and it thumped to the floor as well.

"So wasteful," I chided.

"It's an egg-white veggie omelet; it's for the best." He pulled me to him, so I was straddling his lap again.

"Billy, are you just using me for my body?" I teased, as his eyes flowed over me.

"If I'm candid, yes."

"Dimples." I ran a finger over one. "I love these dimples."

"Excellent, because I always have them on me." He pulled me in for another kiss.

I pushed off him; "you need to eat something before we leave, though."

"As do you, but we have time for all that."

I gave into him as we peeled off our shirts. I let my hands flow over his chest while his hands fell to my hips. I sunk into his neck, allowing my lips to drift over the rough stubble that poked from his chin. Billy's hand unzipped my pants and slipped between my legs, cupping my sensitive mound. He squeezed softly, letting his palm press hard against the delicate spot as my gasp floated over his skin. 

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