The Attack of Orion

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Hi! If you found this be prepared, it's trash. I wrote this short story for a school project and i just felt like posting it. I based it off of "The Hero's of Olympus" book series by Rick Riordan cuz i LOVE his books. Enjoy!!

   Thalia woke with a great start. She ruffled her short black hair and rubbed her electric blue eyes. She had been so worried that her and the Hunters of Artemis, a group of demigod girls that serve the goddess Artemis, would be arriving late at Camp Half Blood. A home for young demigods that is being attacked by the earth herself Gaea. And they need their help. But it seemed her fears would be coming true. The hunters have to be in Long Island by the Winter Solstice, which was starting tomorrow at midnight. They had been wondering around this forest in Pennsylvania for three days now and they were finally getting close to the New York border.
   Thalia got out of her bed and put on her clothes, a dark blue tee-shirt with black leather pants and black hunting boots. She walked out of her tent and looked around. A flock of birds flew over her head when someone behind her said "Good morning Thalia." Thalia turned around to see Pidge. A small 15-year-old girl with short disheveled brown hair and brown eyes. Pidge adjusted her round glasses and said "It seems we will be arriving later than I originally calculated, I can only hope camp can hold up without us." Thalia nodded, they stood in silence until Thalia broke it "Lets wake the others and get on our way".
   After the other girls were woken up, they packed up their tents, which were magic so the transformed into small cloths, and were on their way north, east. About an hour into their trek, one of the hunters named Lana called out to the group saying she saw a pair of glowing red eyes. But they brushed it off and decided to keep on their guard. Lana was known for seeing things that weren't there, being that she was a new recruit and has a schizophrenic sister. After the first sighting of the red eyes, other girls shouted out that they had too saw glowing eyes. Thalia was starting to feel like there was a magical power close and told the girls to get arrows ready.
   Suddenly wolfs started surrounding the hunters. "Hold your fire!" Thalia told them. Just as suddenly as the wolfs appeared, an arrow flew out of the shadows. The arrow hit one of the youngest in the group, she howled in pain as she hit the ground. 'Poison' Thalia thought. "Someone take care of her." Thalia told them. Then a man of giant stature, about 8ft, stepped in front of Thalia, he had curly brown hair, red eyes, and light brown skin. "Orion." Thalia said, the man smiled "I thought Artemis killed you thousands of years ago." Orion spoke in a harsh deep voice "Oh she did, but Gaea brought me back from Tartarus to kill Artemis." Thalia nocked an arrow "Well sorry to tell you but Artemis isn't here, in fact we don't know where she is." Orion raised his left eyebrow "Well then, I guess I will have to kill you all in exchange."
   Just as he finished there was a bright shining light, it was so bright it scared away the wolfs. When the light faded, there stood the goddess herself, Artemis. She looked like a normal girl, she was tall with raven brown hair and grey intimidating eyes. "Orion!" shouted Artemis "What are you doing here? You should be dead." "He came here to kill you my Lady" Thalia interrupted. Artemis looked Orion in the face and tears started forming in her eyes "I killed you because I loved you! Why are you doing this?!" Orion rolled his eyes "Don't play nice, you killed me because you were jealous. Besides I was made to kill you, you were never meant to love me." Artemis's grey eyes glimmered with despair "You're a liar!" but Artemis knew it was true.  Gaea was using him to do her dirty work but she knew the only way to stop this was to kill him. "My lady," Thalia said with a soft voice "What should we do? "Hunters! Get arrows ready!" shouted Artemis. The Hunters got arrows ready "I would prefer if it was just me and you Artemis" said Orion in a sweet but sinister tone "Ready? Aim! Fire!" Then arrows shot in Orion's direction.
   As each arrow hit Orion, it bounced off of his skin like a ball. Only a few sunk into his skin but he pulled them out like it was nothing. Arrows kept flying but Orion swiped them away like flies. Then it was his turn, he nocked an arrow and let it flying. It hit a group of girls and they fell to the ground. Artemis knew she had to do something, so she told Thalia and a small group to get spears and attack that way.
   So that's exactly what Thalia did, she took her spear and her shield, Aegis, and gather a group of girls that were good with spears. They charged at Orion, he tried to swipe them away but missed.  Each girl threw their spear at Orion's chest. He stumbled back a few steps as the spears began to sink in. "Lady Artemis, what is our next attack?" shouted Thalia "Continue to fire, my Hunters!" she shouted back "If that doesn't work," she whispered under her breath "then I will have to do my job".
   Orion was starting to get angry. He nocked three arrows and shot them at the hunters but, being the daughter of Zeus, Thalia sent a gust of wind reflecting the arrows back at Orion. Thalia knew she could only do that once but she needed to save as many hunters as possible. As Orion continued to fire, girls began to drop and, as girls began to fire, Orion began to stumble. 'This isn't working.' Artemis thought 'I need to step in, I have no other choice.' "Hunters, hold fire!" she told her faithful servants. They did as she instructed, even though they weren't sure what she had up her sleeve. "Orion, its me you want isn't it?! Well here I am." Orion smiled; his white teeth glimmered in the sunlight. "Oh Artemis, you have no chance against me." "I killed you once, I can do it again." Artemis told him "Take your best shot." Artemis and Orion both nocked three arrows. Artemis felt a tug in her heart, she didn't want to have to kill him again because deep down she still loved him. They aimed at each other, and sent the arrows flying.
   As Artemis let her arrows fly, she ran at Orion and drew her dagger. Thalia was worried about Artemis. She knew she never really healed after what she did to Orion. Thalia was concerned she might not be able to kill him again. But she had to put her faith in the moon goddess.
   Artemis charged at Orion with her dagger drawn. Tears started forming in her eyes, she didn't want to do this but she knew this was all part of Gaea's plan to destroy her and the others. She had to do this. Artemis slashed Orion's left leg and then the other.  Orion swiped at her but missed. Artemis continued to strike at his body until there were several deep wounds. With each gash Orion howled louder and new tears started to form in Artemis eyes. She did this until he was bleeding from every point on his body.
   Orion fell on his knees as blood rushed from his deep wounds. Artemis walked over to him and Orion started mumbling "Speak up!" shouted Artemis "Artemis I can't believe what you have evolved into." said Orion with a sneer. Then he fell over with a thud and he became a pile of dust. He was dead. Artemis fell on her knees, and the tears continued to flow, it was over. Thalia walked over and put a hand on her leaders' shoulder. Artemis stood up and wiped away her tears "You need to continue on your journey. I need to leave you to the rest." Thalia nodded "Yes my Lady." Artemis turned to the other Hunters; they had lost a large group today but they should have enough. "My faithful servants, I must leave you. We both have places to be." The hunters look at her and bowed. Then there was a bright light and Artemis was gone.
   "Hunters," said Thalia "We need to continue; we need to be there by the Winter Solstice which is tomorrow. Let's grab our things and go." The remaining Hunters gathered the things that could be salvaged and continued walking north, east.

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