Chapter 14:

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"We can set up camp." Rick stopped and gazed at the forest around him. "It looks as safe as anywhere else."

We had been walking for hours now, so the copper sun slowly sank further and further into the horizon. We'd travelled in silence, our footsteps the only sound echoing through the woods. Carol and Rick had snuck strange looks at me, like I was about to stab them in the backs. Of course, I wasn't. Not unless they gave me a reason to.

As twilight had come closer and closer, we gave in. My feet ached from walking so long and my head was throbbing. It had been a long day for all of us. Nobody quite knew what to do next. Terminus was destroyed at least for now, we had no shelter, and none of us had a plan of where to go. I had no clue if these people wanted me here. For all I know, they could be crazy. I mean, getting out of Terminus together is one thing. Staying with them and becoming apart of their group is another.

I sat down next to a tree as Daryl gathered wood for a fire. I studied the group carefully. It was so weird for me to see them like this, all winding down and not...well, killing people. I forgot what it was like to be with other humans. The way people get ready for bed, and make small talk, and just feel normal around each other. It felt...good.

"We don't have any food, but at least we'll be warm. Tomorrow, I'll take you to the cabin we were at," Carol said.

"We?" I asked curiously.

She looked at Rick and Carl, grinning like a crazy woman. "There's someone you need to see."


I awoke to birds singing, strangely enough. It was peaceful in the woods. The sun shone brightly through the trees. Half of the group was already up, talking softly. Carl, the boy near my age, was still asleep. I had to will myself to stop staring at him.

"Alright, everybody up!" Rick rallied.

We stumbled through the forest once more to the cabin Carol had mentioned the previous night. I wondered why she was leading us there, and if it was a trap. But it couldn't be. Carol wasn't an enemy to the group...just to me.

"And here we are," Carol said giddily. I gave her a glare for her over-enthusiasm. We still had no food or supplies and yet here we were at a banged up cabin in the middle of nowhere.

It was a small cabin, slightly dilapidated. A black man with a small lump in his arms stood outside as if he were waiting for us. Cautiously, I started to ask, "Who-?"

"TYREESE!" The girl named Sasha yelled joyfully, racing towards the man.

"Is that-?" Carl began and then started to laugh and cry simultaneously. "Judith!" He and Rick both took off as well.

As I approached the group of sobbing-tears-of-joy people, I noticed what the lump was in Tyreese's arms.

"A baby?" I said shocked. I never thought I'd see the day when a child-a baby at that- was living.

I started to laugh. A baby! Imagine that! I watched the big reunion happily. Funnily enough, I was glad for everyone even though I hardly knew them. Carl and Rick were both crying, holding the small child. Sasha was hugging the man and everyone was in a state of wonderful disbelief.

And for once, I felt alive.

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