Chapter 6:

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I run along the side of the fence, unseen. It's oddly silent, which is weird because Terminus is supposed to be a town, right? Where's all the people? The longer I stay, the more Carl's story seems true. I dart around a corner and nearly bump into the man from earlier. Before he sees, I duck back behind the corner and crouch next to a crate full of who knows what...possibly potatoes.

The man walks past carrying a long sword I recognized as a katana. Flashing back to the box car, I remembered the girl named Michonne had a katana-and that the leader of Terminus took it. The man looked powerful and intimidating even to me and by now, I'm practically fearless. He was the one who ate human beings. He was the one who started Terminus. He was the one named Gareth.

I watched him stroll past me towards a building. He entered it, with a small glance behind him. I had told the others to find weapons but...there was no way Michonne knew where her katana was and I did.  Besides, anyone who can handle a sword like that, I want on my side. Quickly, I slip into the same building with my axe ready.

As soon as I open the door, a burst of cool air hits my face unlike anything I'd experienced since the end of the world. I could scarcely believe it. Was that...air conditioning? Terminus must have a back up generator or something. Whatever it is, I'm grateful. Being in the Georgia heat constantly gets tiresome and sweaty. The slight breeze of air was a sweet relief even in this risky situation.

Just as I had let down my guard, I heard a melody floating up through the space. There, ten feet away, was Gareth. He was humming an odd little tune that reminded me of a lullabye from long ago. I hid once more behind a support beam. The room was even stranger than the box car. Candles were lit and all over the floor were names and other words scribbled. It was eerie: no windows had light coming through it and the candles sent flickers of demonic-looking shadows on the walls. In black paint was written, "Never Again. Never Trust. We First Always." Gareth stood in the center of the circle on the ground, chanting nonsense under his breath like some sort of ritual. My eyes squinted to tell what he was doing. He took the katana in his bare hands and squeezed the blade until trickles of blood fell onto the first name, Robee Wolford, then to the second, Glenn Johnson, and another, David Cornett. He continued doing so, dropping the katana just a few feet away.

As he worked his way around the room, I scooted closer to the sword. When his back was turned, I snatched it silenter than a samurai, opened the door, and left. Success.

With a brand new weapon and a smile, I continued my plan. I came upon the hole in the fence and headed back into the woods to where I had ate earlier. When I was there, I'd set up a few snares for any animal that came by and I was pleased to see a rabbit caught in my trap. Another lay in front of it and about five more along the way. With my trusty ol' axe, I chopped each of their heads off with a grimace. Then, I rung out the blood next to the hole in the gate and let pools develope at my feet. Frowning at this horrific scene, I knew it was what had to be done. My axe sliced the fence further,  so a large human could fit. This was all just part of the plan. Little did I know what web my actions would unwind.

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