Chapter 1 : deathly encounter.

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Reaper POV

I reap another soul. I sigh and teleport to the next one. This is the last one then I go back to sleep.

... What the ? Where am I ? Everything is pitch black here. That place is empty. Did I make a mistake ?

I float around, trying to find someone. After some time, I spot a white thing. Getting closer, I now see that was actually someone. To be more precise, someone's jacket. Maybe that's the guy I am here for ?

Reaper : Geno ?

He jolts and turns to face me. Seems to be the guy. That's a shame though, he is cute, with his shocked face.

Geno : W-who... H-how...

I sigh and explain to him why I am here : to reap him and bla bla bla. I also notice he has a huge open bleeding wound on his torso. Must sting as hell...

I wait for him. I bet he will scream and beg like everyone.

Geno : I see. Well, go ahead.

I jolt and stare at him in shock. Did I hear it right ?

Reaper : Y-you don't beg or complain...? That's new...

Geno : There is no point anyway, no ?

Reaper : ...

I get up and walk toward him. He closes his eyes, expecting me to attack him, I guess. I decide to let him go in peace by giving him a hug of the Death.

Geno POV

I was expecting that god to slice me, but instead he... Hugs me ? ... I forgot how nice it was to be hugged by someone. I close my eye and hug back, with a soft smile. That's so nice... It is kind of him. Must be hard on someone to have that kind of job.

Reaper POV

He... Hugs back ? I wasn't expecting that. Wait... He is still alive ?!

I cease this hug, in shock. He looks at me, confused. He... Is fine. My touch doesn't kill him. H-how ?

He looks startled.

Geno : Are you crying ?

He wipes my tears, softly. Gosh, I don't want to have to kill him... The first person immune to my touch... The first person who didn't scream at me, the first not afraid of me... I didn't notice, but I leaned in his touch.

Geno : Do you... Want to talk ? I have all the time in the world...

Reaper : Thanks...

I take his hand and kiss his wrist softly. I want to stay with him... To never leave him... Ah, he is blushing, how cute...

Reaper : ... But I need to go... There is something I have to check... I come back later, though.

Geno : Wait. Weren't you supposed to kill me ?

Reaper : Yeah. But, you are too precious for me to do so. See ya, Geno.

I kiss his hand and teleport. I go to my room and go through my books to see if there ever was someone like Geno before. I doubt that, but maybe.

Geno POV

That was weird. But it felt nice to hug someone. I bury my face in Papyrus' scarf, smiling to myself.

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