Bonus chapter

250 19 16

Sometime after Geno and Reaper's wedding.

Third person POV

Error is in front of the "rift", a part of the anti-void that can lead to the void. He stares at his hands. At the three rings in it. His ring from his wedding with Ink, the ring of immortality, and a silver band with the three gems. He puts back on his ring. He hides his ringed hand in his jacket's pocket.

Ink teleports near him.

Ink : Ruru ? Why did you want to see me... Here ?

Error takes a deep breath, turns around to face his lover.

Error : Ink. You know who I am, right ? As... Who I was.

Ink : ... You... Remember... You are going to leave me, I guess....

Ink notices in Error's hand the two rings Reaper gave to Geno. The artist doesn't dare to look at his husband... Well, in his future ex-husband.

He hears Error sighing, as if he was fed up with all of it. Ink gets startled and looks away, holding back tears. He can't stop Error from wanting his old life back. He is soulless, he can't love him as Reaper did... No matter how hard he tries.

Error : Ink, look at me.

Ink takes a deep breath and looks at Error. He smiles kindly to the small artist before...

Turning toward the rift and throwing something shiny into the void.

Error then proceeds to turn around and stroke Ink's face, as if to wipe invisible tears away. Ink can't hold them back anymore and leans for the touch. He clearly saw Error still had their ring. Not the other one.

Error : You are an idiot, Ink. I am not Geno anymore. And, I am not exactly the same Geno as the one who is your friend. I never had a child with Reaper.

Ink : S-so... Why did you...

Error : Because a certain idiot would be afraid of me leaving him for someone else. I am Error. And I love you Ink. Trust me a little bit, please. You are everything I need. Everything I love.

Ink smiles and hugs Error who teleports them at his house to keep his easily insecure boyfriend for himself. (Also, PJ and Palette would kill him if they see he made Ink cry, and Fresh would join)

Ink : Is that... Why you didn't attend the Afterdeath wedding ?

Error : Yeah. I don't like remembering a version of me that loved someone else than you. Like what the hell ? Fell and Reaper ? Really ? Amnesia was such a blessing.

Ink : ...

He hugs Error more.

Ink : Will you one day... Forget me too ?

Error : Are you joking ? Ink, how can anyone forget someone as annoying and noisy as you ? Also, with all the dolls I made for you for each different face you could have, in each of your clothing. You are too weird and special to be forgotten.

Ink : ... How many dolls did you make ?

Error : Hm... I would say about... 20 for each outfit I saw you wearing. And I saw you in 5 different ones so... 100 ? And I expect to have more to do.

He kisses Ink's cheek. The artist blushes. He draws Error a lot, but drawing doesn't take as much time and materials than dolls. So learning Error made so much representing him is embarrassing. Reassuring, but still embarrassing.

Error : I love your blushing face the most, right after your cute little smile.

He kisses his small lover's foreskull.

Ink : Stop it, please...

He hides in his scarf.

Error : Nope. I won't stop, the same way you never truly stop to reach your hand out for me, so we would be friends.

Ink nods. He cuddles in Error's arms with a peaceful smile. Error strokes his skull. He made sure no one would get in the anti-void, so he has his small and cute lover all for himself. He won't let him go. He won't forget him.

They fall asleep in each other's embrace, with a peaceful smile.

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