Chapter 5 : Urgh...

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Geno POV

Urgh... Reaper is here again. Huh ? You ask yourself why I complain now ? Well, the first times, he was someone nice to be around. He really got me a house and somes books... But since a little while now, he has become a flirt. A huge one. Like, why the change ?!

Reaper : Geno dear ? Are you listening to me ?

Geno : What ?

Reaper : Would you become my angel ?

Geno : If you want a maid, go somewhere else.

I see that maid uniform behind his back.

Reaper : That's won't do. I want my favorite cutie.

I blush and smack him with my book to hide it. I pull my scarf to hide my blush.

Geno : Stop it, Reaper. If you want to flirt go find someone else.

Reaper : ... I don't want someone else. And don't hide your beautiful face.

He leans near me and I try to push him. Key word : Try. I end up pinned to the couch, blushing with Reaper looking at me. I pull my scarf even higher and look away, grumbling under my breath.

He smirks and covers me with kisses. I'm pretty sure I can't hide my blush now.

Geno : I said stop. It is not because I am the only one you can touch that you must get all touchy like that !

He stops dead in his tracks and looks at me.

Reaper : ... Are you... Assuming I only do it because I can ?

His voice is serious. I look at him... He is serious... And... Hurt ? I... He couldn't be... Serious about... Loving me, right ?

Reaper POV (and travel back in time too !)

Since last time, I noticed I really enjoyed being with Geno. Sharing puns, being lazy or just looking at him read his book. He is so adorable.

At some point I made a flirty comment and he blushes. He is so cute when flustered. So I couldn't resist and I continued teasing him.

Yesterday, while going around AU I found a cute maid uniform. I decided to take it to tease Geno with it.

He is trying to ignore me by focusing on his book.

Reaper : Geno dear ? Are you listening to me ?

Geno : What ?

Reaper : Would you become my angel ?

Geno : If you want a maid, go somewhere else.

Reaper : That's won't do. I want my favorite cutie.

He blushes and smacks me with his book to hide it. He pulls his scarf to hide his blush. So cute.

Geno : Stop it, Reaper. If you want to flirt go find someone else.

Reaper : ... I don't want someone else. And don't hide your beautiful face.

I lean near him and he tries to push me. Key word : Try. I pin him to the couch, he is blushing while I look at him. He pulls his scarf even higher to hide his adorable face and look away, grumbling under his breath.

I smirk and cover him with kisses. He blushes so much right now.

Geno : I said stop. It is not because I am the only one you can touch that you must get all touchy like that !

I stop dead in my tracks and look at him.

Reaper : ... Are you... Assuming I only do it because I can ?

He looks at me furious but slowly shows remorse and worries. He really thought I would do it to anyone I could touch ?

Reaper : I don't know how lowly you think of me, Geno... But, yeah, I admit, part of the reason why I touch you that much is because I can. But also and mainly because I want to. Hate me for it, but I am happy I can have you all for myself. Because for the first time in my stupidly long unwanted life, I love someone. And I don't have to worry for a split second about killing you while showering you with my love.

He stares at me in shock.

Reaper : But I also get I can't force you to feel something like that for me. I am the incarnation of Death. And not the merciful kind Papyrus gives. The painful unwanted one... I tried to make an exception for you because you clearly suffered so much before meeting me. And you are the very first actual hug I ever received. So, sorry for being clingy.

He looks away and I sigh. I sit up next to him. He sits up slowly, still looking away

Reaper : I will go. Sorry for disturbing you.

I get up.

Geno POV (we are back !)

I get startled. Is he still upset ? H-he will come back... Right ? Before I even realised, I grabbed his wrist.

He turns around and his look goes from surprise to sheer panic.

Geno : Y-you... Can stay... I-I am sorry...

Reaper : Geno, calm down. It's my fault, I took the teasing too far. Please, don't cry.

He wipes my tears with his cloak, softly. I didn't notice I was crying until now. I begin to cry even more.

Geno : I-I am sorry... I-I was a jerk to you... I-I didn't like you teasing me... And flirting with me like that... B-because it made me think... I was just a toy for you...

He softly hugs me.

Reaper : Don't worry... And never ever think that of yourself. I love you. If my teasing makes you feel unsure of it, then I will stop. Because I love your smile, more than anything.

He kisses my foreskull. I calm down in his embrace after some time.

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