Chapter 6 : 5 years.

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(Warming : There will be some crappy lemon at some point. I will warm you)

Reaper POV

So, since I confessed to Geno, I tuned down the flirting... I still do it sometime though. He confessed back during the week after the confession. To be more precise, once I was out of his house, after hanging out with him, he threw me a book I said I didn't have the opportunity to read yet (yes, Ink also brought him books). When I opened it, I found a sticky note on which was written "I love you, Reaper...", with a doodle of me being kissed on the cheek by a doodle of Geno.

What did I do with the note ? I put it in a picture frame that I put in a chest with all my treasures. I would put Geno in, but my chest is too small, and won't be comfortable enough. Geno deserves the best treasure chest :

My arms !

Anyway, It has been 5 years since we became a couple. Life loves hearing me talk about Geno. When she found out we were dating (which is an info I hid from her for two years) I thought she was going to be the Death of me. She was furious I didn't tell her right away.

That's the first time in my Life I thought I was about to die.

Anyway, since it is our fifth anniversary, Geno said he was going to surprise me... But also forbidden me to come to his home before evening.

I wonder what he is planning. Well, anyway, this is evening, so I will find out soon enough.

I teleport in the save-screen and knock on the door.

After a bit, Geno opens the door shyly. Why shyly ? Because he is wearing a beautiful dress and has his female ectobody summoned.

I blush and nearly get a nosebleed.

Geno : Get inside, idiot. And close that mouth.

I snap back in reality and get inside.

Reaper : If you really want to shut me up, you can seal my lips. With yours~.

Geno : Shut up, or you won't get your gift.

He crosses his arms and glares at me. I shut up. He planned another gift for me ? My cute adorable Geno...

I follow him in the living room. There is a table with a cristal flower I brought him (Life's idea). He goes to the kitchen while I sit down.

And what can I say ? His cooking skills are the best. I am so lucky to have him.

Geno : Did you like it ?

Reaper : So much I found out I could love you even more than I did before.

He blushes and looks away. He then takes a deep breath and looks at me again. He stands up and walks toward me.

Geno : Do you want your second gift ?

Reaper : I would say it is the third, but go ahead.

Geno : Close your eyes and give me your hands.

I nod and obey him. He slowly leads me. Ah, his small little hands... He stops after a while and opens a door then guides me inside. He lets go of my hands.

Geno : Wait before opening your eyes.

I hear him close the door then walking back to me. He guides me to sit on something soft... Then I feel him kiss me. I smile and kiss back. I put a hand on his waist and another on his cheek... What I didn't expect was for him to sit on my lap.

I open my eyes to see him blush and break the kiss.

Reaper : If you continue like that, I could take you for the dessert.

I smirk and expect him to blushes and smacks me... But he just blushes and nods... Wait... Oh...

Welp, now I am the one blushing madly.

Reaper : Geno... Are you sure ? You don't have to, if you don't want to...

I caress his cheek. He leans in my touch and looks at me, with a look so cute.

Geno : I know. I am ready, Reaper. But thanks for asking.

He smiles at me, like the adorable angel he is.

Reaper : Alright.

(Lemon start, those who don't like it, see you next chapter)

I smile at him and kiss him. I slip my hand on him to undress him. He kisses me back and begins to undo my cloak. We break the kiss so I take off my cloak which gets on the ground, then I lay him on the bed, putting kisses everywhere on him.

He looks away when I am near his wound. I kiss it softly and take his hand. I hear him hold back some moans.

I then come back to kiss his lips.

Reaper : Are you really sure you are ready, Geno ?

He nods. I pat his skull and insert a finger in him. He grip me tightly and hides his face in my neck. I chuckle to myself and continue to move my finger in him and to add some.

Guess he heard me chuckle, because he begins to lick and bite my neck a little, for revenge.

He finds my sweet spot, so I moan, but unlike a certain tsundere, I don't hide it. I still get away from his touch, when he is wet enough.

I take off my pants and I align with his entrance. I slowly entered him. He hisses in pain and squeezes my hand. Once I am fully in, I let him adjust and kiss his hand and his face with all my love. I can't stop myself from grinning because he gave me his first time...

After a while, he kisses me and nods at me. I nod, kiss him and begin to thrust slowly in him. He squeezed my hand a bit.

We slowly but gradually begin to let ourselves have a heated love session.

We do it for a while, then I pull out of him. He unsummons his ecto body and comes snuggle against me. I kiss his foreskull.

Reaper : Want to sleep ?

He nods.

Reaper : Good night, love.

Geno : Good night...

He fell asleep in my arms. I smile and fall asleep against him.

My treasure : Reaper x GenoWhere stories live. Discover now