Chapter 11 : End.

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Geno POV

We are in Reapertale right now. Life, Ink and a Sans who introduced himself as Abyss are going with me in my room so they will help me prepare. Life gives me the clothes. I get in the cabin...

Geno : WHY A DRESS ?!

I hear Ink chuckling outside. I grumble and change. I call Life, once I put on the white shoulderless dress so she can tell me if I wear it right.

Life : Geno, it fits you better than I hope. Wait, give me your scarf for a bit.

I raise an eyebrow but complay. She wraps Papyrus' scarf around my waist. Then she put a golden belt on it.

Ink : Life ? Can we see ?

I look at myself in the mirror. I can't believe this is me. I get out reluctantly. Ink and Abyss stares at me.

Abyss : Wine could hardly do a better job. Congrate, Life.

Life : Why, thank you.

Ink : Now the crown !

I jolt.

Abyss : Geno, I will need you to take off your glitch for a bit.

I gulp and nod. I cancel my glitch.

Life : ... Geno...

Ink : Your skull...

I lower my head.

Life, Ink : It healed ?!

Geno : H-huh ?

I turn to see the mirror and yes indeed. The melted part of my skull seems to have healed. How ?

Abyss : That must be Life's magic in the ring. It slowly healed him.

Ink nods at the suggestion. Life smiles warmly.

Life : Hm. Keep it as a surprise for Death.

I nod. Abyss put the golden laurel crown on my skull. I really look like someone else. I summon my glitch on my face like always.

Ink : Well, time to go.

I gulp.

Abyss leaves like that, he just came to make sure the jewelry was alright. Life goes ahead and Ink helps me calming down. Once I am calm, I go.

Reaper POV

I gulp again. Gosh, this is awkward... Asgore found out about my relationship with Geno and my friendship with Life... So he glares at me with Dad...

Papyrus tries to calm Dad down but yeah, still doesn't work. I sigh. I am wearing an opened version of my cloak, without the hood up, over a dark blue sleeveless one-shoulder robe with a silver belt. And on my skull there is a silver laurel crown.

I see Life gets here. Asgore and her exchanged a bit of a loving glare and she got near me.

Life : Nervous much ?

Reaper : Yeah... How is he ?

Life : You will see.

She smirks at me. Goth is looking at us. He has to bring the rings, when we will be finished with the vows.

We finally hear Undyne playing her piano and I gulp. I turn to see... Gosh... Geno is so beautiful, graceful...

Third person POV

While Reaper gets lost in admiring his beautiful Geno, he gets next to him.

Reaper : How are you ?

Geno : How do you think a mortal feels in the middle of gods ?

Reaper : Yeah... Sorry about it.

The god softly takes his loved one's hand. Life coughs to get everyone attention.

Life : Hello, everyone. Like you all were normally informed of, we are here today to unite two souls, two fates up until the end of time. Those two souls are our fellow god, Death and the mortal next to him, Geno.

Geno squeezes a bit of Reaper's hand and takes a deep breath.

Life : Geno, do you swear in the name of the gods that you will love Death and give him your soul forever and ever ?

Geno : Yes I do.

Life : Are you ready to leave your mortality to embrace your destiny as the spouse of the god of death next to you ?

Geno : Yes.

He feels Reaper squeezes his hand and sees him smile at his dear "wife".

Life : Death, do you swear on your honor as a god to love Geno and to dedicate your immortal life to him ?

Death : Yes I will.

Goth walks up to his parents and hands them their rings. Two silver bands with a central garnet, a saphir on the right and a rubis on the left. They put on their rings.

Life : I hereby name you spouse from this day on up to the end of time.

Reaper smiles and kisses Geno lovingly, not caring for one bit about his glaring father in the background.

They stare into each other's eyes with a smile and are brought back into reality by Asgore coughing.

Asgore : Sorry to interrupt such a lovely scene, but there is still one thing to do, Reaper.

Reaper : Oh, yes sorry... I got carried away...

Asgore smiles kindly to the couple and hands Geno a cup of... Golden tea ? Honey ? Reaper whispers to him to explain this is the Nectar of the gods. Geno nods and drinks it. Then Life comes back with a little pie. Is this supposed to be Ambrosia ?

Reaper nods and Geno eats it too. He feels a soft warmth growing in him from the depth of his soul.

Reaper puts a hand on his shoulder to be sure Geno is alright, since he is the first mortal to eat the legendary Ambrosia and Nectar of the gods.

Geno smiles at him and puts his hand on his lover 's.

Geno : I am fine, Reaper.

Reaper nods and lets out a sigh of relief. Geno puts a hand on his god's cheek and he kisses him again. Geno kisses back.


There is a bonus chapter for this book, so don't worry, you will also get another chapter ! But it isn't Reaper and Geno, this time.

It is just that don't fit in the book of the actual ship, since you need to know what happenned to Reaper and Geno. Bye~

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