Chapter 4 : So ?

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Geno POV

I wake up in Reaper's arms. He smiles at me, with a faint blush.

Reaper : Good morning. How are you feeling now ? Did you sleep well ?

Geno : Yes. That's the first time since a long time too. Sorry for crying like that earlier...

Reaper : Don't worry. Let's go back downstairs now.

He gets up and extends his hand for me. I smile and grab it softly. He leads me back downstairs, holding on my hand. He seems like the physical type of person.

Once we are in the living room, everyone goes quiet.

Ink : Ah, hello again Geno. Guess I will introduce everyone. You already know a bit Reapertale Sans.

Reaper : Your choice, Reaper or Death.

He winks at me playfully. I roll my eye.

Ink : His Toriel, the goddess of life. We just call her Life, in the multiverse.

Life : Nice to see you.

Ink : Here is Reaper's Papyrus, the second god of death. Guess you will stick with his name ?

I nod.

Ink : Reapertale Gaster. He is also kinda Reaper and Papyrus dad.

Reaper, Gaster : Insist on "kinda".

Ink : ... He is the god of magic. Gerson, the god of wisdom.

Gerson : Nice to meet you, young one.

He grins at me.

Ink : And Alphys, the goddess of knowledge.

Alphys : H-Hello...

Geno : Nice to meet you all. Sorry, I will be really familiar, since most of your versions are close friends of mine.

Life : Don't worry, we know. How are you feeling ?

Geno : Fine.

Gerson : Are you saying that wound doesn't hurt ?

Geno : It doesn't anymore. It sting from time to time, if I move too fast. I wonder how long it has been now...? There isn't really time where I "live".

Gaster : How is your skull ?

Geno : ... The part under my glitch is... Unsable let's say. I have only one good eye.

They nod.

Alphys : ... C-can you s-show us y-your soul ?

I sigh and summon my soul. They all (well, except Ink) get surprised.

Reaper : You only have a ninth of a soul ?

Geno : Yeah. The rest belong to the other me...

Ink : A good old Classic Sans.

Reaper : Why didn't you tell me ?

Ink : Well, that's not surprising he can live with a part of his original soul.

Gaster : It is... Oh yeah... I forgot about your... Situation.

Ink : Thanks.

I turn to Ink, confused.

Ink : We aren't here for me, Geno. They are here to understand how you are still alive.

Geno : Huh ? Reaper didn't reap me, that's all.

They all stare at each other. Life breaks the silence.

Life : No one can survive touching the gods of death. But you touched both and are still alright.

Geno : Huh ?

Reaper : Because of how much pain I guess you were, I decided to just touch you, to kill you. So you can guess my surprise when I felt you hugging me back.

Geno : ...

Ink : You hugged each other ?!

I don't know why but I don't like Ink's eyes right now.

Reaper : Don't you dare prank us or I will tell Error about your condition.

Ink : Fine !

Geno : So ? What are you planning to do ?

The gods looks at each other

Life : I unfortunately think we can't do much.

Gaster : I mean, we could try to see if using the scythe will work.

Reaper, Papyrus : No. He already suffered enough.

Alphys : ... H-he said he lived somewhere where time doesn't exist, right ? So we can just let him be ?

Gerson : ... And if you are not happy, Gaster, you just have to find why Geno is able to do what even gods fear.

Geno : Huh ?

Ink : accepting and touching Death.

Geno : Oh.

Ink : Well. So, you let him be ?

They nod while Gaster groans. Life gets up and hugs me. She also whispers.

Life : If you want to see me ask Reaper.

I nod and hug her for a bit. Reaper brings me back to the save-screen while Ink takes care of everyone else.

Reaper : Geno ?

Geno : Hum ?

Reaper : Can I come to visit you ? I finally have someone who doesn't fear me and doesn't die... That's... That's nice for once...

I look at him. He seemed confident with the other Gods. I sigh and smile.

Geno : I guess. I literally have nothing to do anyway... Actually. Could you see with Ink if I can have a house and somes books ?

Reaper : Of course !

He has such a cute smile. I chuckle.

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