Chapter 2 : Question

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Reaper POV

So, after going through all my books... No, there never was a case of someone surviving the grim reaper's touch before. Geno is truly special.

I should ask Tori though... Maybe she tried to create an immortal life. I think she would have warmed me, but who knows ? I teleport to see her.

Reaper : Hey, Tori... How are ya ?

Life : I am fine. But you look like Death.

Reaper : Why, thank you.

Life : No, Sans. What is wrong ?

Reaper : ... I... Met someone. Someone immune to my touch.

She looks stunned. She didn't know it was possible neither, huh ? Well, she quickly went to a happy face, though.

Life : It is a great new for you.

Reaper : Yes, but this is still weird... But thanks for being happy for me, Tori.

She smiles at me and after some more talking I leave. I decided to ask Gerson if he saw anything like that before. I mean, he is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, and the wiser one of the gods, so...

Gerson : Oh Sans. What brought you here ?

Reaper : Gerson. Have you ever heard of an immortal mortal ?

Gerson : Hm ? There are legends of it in the mortal myths, but that shouldn't exist. They are mere fantasy. Why ?

Reaper : ... I met one. I hugged him, but he survived.

Gerson : This is weird... I think Alphys and Gaster won't know much either... But you can still try with them.

I nod. Like predicted, they don't know. Alphys got over excited though. As for Gaster... He was unpleased, when he heard I didn't try to slash him with my scythe... Should have expected it.

I sigh and leave for a bit. While floating around AUs, I float into Ink. He is drawing and humming to himself.

Reaper : Hey, Ink. How are you doing ?

Ink : Oh, Reaper. I am fine. Is there a problem ?

Reaper : ... Yeah... Are there some Sans who are immortal ?

Ink : Hm... You, Dream, Nightmare... I dunno if Error and I are immortal, but we are hard to kill. I guess if we are in Killertale, Killer would be. Oh, and maybe Geno ? I am not so sure about him. Why ?

Reaper : I was supposed to reap Geno.

Ink : Oh.

Reaper : ... He is immune to my touch.

I sigh. I really don't want to kill him...

Ink : I see. Well, I got my answer.

Reaper : Thanks for answering me.

I teleport back in my AU and lay on my bed to get some sleep...

Instead, I heard my brother burst my door.


I groan and turn to him.

Reaper : Sup, bro.

Gaster : Oh, you are both here, great.

I sit down immediately and Papyrus turns to face Gaster.

Gaster : Sans, we discuss with Gerson and Alphys. We think we should see that mortal you told us about.

Papyrus : WOWIE ! CAN I COME TOO ?

Gaster : If you want, Papyrus.

Reaper : Wait. I am going to ask to Ink if he could get the goddess of Life too. She could know something you don't, no ? Since her power opposes mine.

Gaster : ... Fine.

I mentally sigh in relief and teleport to Ink. He was still drawing, so he wasn't hard to find. I explain the situation to him.

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