Chapter 9 : 7 years.

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Reaper POV

Hello Creators. It has been 7 years since the last chapter.

Goth is growing well. I sometimes drop him off at Geno's, when I go to work, now he is old enough to know about the save-screen.

Fun fact, he was beginning to doubt having a mother, when I brought him the first time and Geno was barely holding back his tears from finally seeing him again.

They are both so happy to see each other each time... I would like to stay with them but duty call.

Today, Goth is sleeping at Life's place, because it has been 8 years since Geno and I met. So I ask her to keep him, while we celebrate. Well, he gets to come tomorrow with Pap, so...

Anyway, I teleport to the save-screen and go to cuddle Geno from behind. He gets startled and turns. He sighs a bit and kisses my cheek, smiling. I hum in delight to finally be with him.

Geno : Hello, Reaper. Long day ?

I nod. I float while carrying him. He grabs me.

Geno : Reaper, put me down.

Reaper : Nope.

I get inside his home and go to his room. I just cuddle him with a smile. I hear him huff.

Reaper : Sorry Love, but I miss having you for myself like that.

He sighs and turns around to hug me back. I blush and bury my face against him.

Geno : I missed it too. I know you have to get back home for Goth... But I like having you with me...

Reaper : Well, actually, Tori is fine taking care of him for us for today. So you have me all for yourself.

He looks surprised, before smiling at me and kissing me. I kiss back. I fall on my back and drag him with me. He doesn't complain much. It has been so long since we had such a passionate kiss. Aaaah... I don't want to leave. We break the kiss to catch our breath, panting.

Reaper : If you continue like that, I could just eat you up...

Geno : ... Wanna try ?

He smirks at me and I blush madly before returning the smirk.

Reaper : Was that an invite ? Then I will gladly accept it.

Geno : Shut up.

He kisses me. Yeah, he must have also wanted it for a while.

I smile and indulge. So much for keeping our energy for Goth.

We fall asleep after doing it, cuddling each other happily. ... Shit, I forgot to use protection.

... And of course, it got Geno pregnant. The same way that with Goth. I texted Papyrus so he would bring us things for the baby.

Geno : Seriously, Reaper ?

Reaper : Sorry... I wasn't expecting us to do it... So I didn't plan protection...

I am on my knees, being scolded by an angry (and cute) Geno. He sighs.

Geno : Well, what is done is done... Let's finish preparing for Goth's arrival.

I nod. Geno goes to make a cake with Frisk I put the gift. Yeah, since Geno and Frisk are stuck here, that's hard for them to participate otherwise.

Papyrus comes and Geno goes to dress the baby.


Geno : Maybe Raven.

Reaper : Huh, why ?

Geno : There is often raven around you. Also, he seems to like the word.

We nod. Well, Raven fell asleep, so we let him alone.

Later, Goth gets here happily with Life.

Goth : Mom !

He rushes to hug Geno, with a smile on his face. Geno returns the hug.

Geno : How are you, Goth ?

Goth : Great !

Life : Yeah... Well, he also asked me something while coming...

Reaper : What ?

Goth : Can I have a sibling please ?

Geno and I choke on air, while Frisk hold back a laugh and Papyrus throws me the "should I tell him" look.

Reaper : Well Goth, you see..

Geno : Your wish came true...

Life : What ?

I think I should reap Frisk with how much they wease. They barely can breath now.

Life : When ?

Reaper : Well, when we woke up.


Reaper : You should thank your mom for it.

Geno attacks my ribs with his elbow.

Goth : Can I see him ? Please ?

Geno : Fine, but be quiet for now.

Goth nods and goes upstairs with Geno. He strokes Raven's cheek softly and smiles. It is the happiest day of his life.

Welp, guess that's fine.

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