Chapter 3 : Meeting the Gods.

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Reaper POV

After my explanation, I see Ink sighs.

Ink : Alright. Warm Life to do as if she doesn't know you, though. I will pretend I explained everything to her. I will need to do some preparation too.

I nod and teleport to Tori. She agrees to what I explain then I teleport back home.

Reaper : Ink agreed. He said he will explain everything to Life, then will get us.

Gaster : Fine.

Papyrus nods, excited. I smirk and go get some sleep.

Later, Papyrus wakes me up because Ink is here.

Ink : Heya, Reaper. I will bring us to the place I made so you can meet Geno. Then Reaper will come with me.

I nod. He teleports us in a house. Quite sober one too. Life is already here with Gerson and Alphys.

Ink : Alright. Wait a bit more. We are going to get Geno... Hm, Papyrus, just an advice... Once we get back, get on your knees, please.

We all look at him weirdly, but Papyrus nods. We get to the pitch black place (Ink said it is called save-screen) and meet Geno.

Ink : Hey, Geno.

Geno : Ink, Reaper ? What is wrong ?

Ink : Well. Can you follow us please ?

He stares at Ink but nods and we go through Ink's portal. I support Geno, because he feels sick. Yeah, first time through portals tends to do it to people (especially Ink's extra colorful one).

Reaper : There, there, Geno. Take some deep breath.

He nods and everyone stares in shock. I am holding Geno's hand and rubbing circles in his back. They also see Geno's wound and his glitch on his eye disappear for a split second. Tori gasps. Yeah, I didn't expect his skull to be half melted too. How does he hold on with so much pain ? He is cute but badass. Weird combo.

Geno : I am fine now. Thanks Reaper.

Reaper : Don't sweat it.

I let go of his hand (such a shame). He looks at the room and sees Papyrus. I see him shake violently and tears build up in his eye.

Geno : P-pap...

Papyrus : Yes ?

He is crouching down to his level. Geno can't hold it and runs to hug him. He breaks down crying like no tomorrow. Ink looks away. He knew it could happen ?

Gerson : That's another Sans, right Ink ?

He nods.

Gerson : ... Did he lose his Papyrus ?

We turn to Gerson. Papyrus seems to have heard it too. Ink nods again, closing his eyes. I begin feeling sick. Imagining losing Pap... It would kill me on the inside...

Ink : He is wearing his Papyrus' scarf right now.

I feel even worse.

Life : ... Let's... Leave them alone for now. He needs it.

Reaper : Yeah...

I leave to get some fresh air. Everyone else also went outside for a bit. Even Dad seems unwell, that really took us by surprise. Once the crying quieted down we looked inside to see Geno asleep in Papyrus' arms.

Ink : There is a bedroom for him, upstairs.

Pap nods and carries Geno upstairs.

Gaster : ... Maybe we could observe his physical state, while he is asleep.

Life : Are you saying we should strip him from his clothes while he is unconscious ?

She is glaring at him. I look away because in case you forgot... He has the same body as me.

Gaster : We don't have all the time in the world.

Life : Still, it is no reason.

Alphys and Gerson calm them down. I float to Geno's room. I sit next to him. He is still asleep. I caress his face softly.

Papyrus is still shaken, staring at him, from the chair on which he is sitting.

Reaper : Are you alright, Bro ?

Papyrus : That's my question... He is you, no ? Sans, don't hurt yourself like that over me, please...

Reaper : ... I won't promise you anything. You are my brother after all. I care for you, and I always will.

Papyrus sighs and nods. We hear Geno mumbling in his sleep, having a nightmare. I softly take him in my arms and rubs circles on his back, whispering sweet nothing to him. He calms down and nuzzles against me. I blush a bit.

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