The Mafia King and The Shy Girl (Part 3)

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Taehyung POV

     "I am Kim Taehyung, a mafia king and..Your Fiance.." "Oh.. so you are my fia- WAIT WHAT?! Y-you are the guy that my grandpa is reffering to that I will marry?! A FREAKING MAFIA KING!!!" she asked and I just chuckle at her cuteness "Yes, my fiance btw- I came here because I want to give this back to you" I handed her handkerchief and she was surprised "W-wait- how did you g-get that?" "Thank you for your help last night" I smiled at her "Y-you are t-the guy from last night?" I nod "I gtg now babygirl I still have something to do, have a nice day! AND TO ALL OF YOU *points at the teacher and students* do NOT ever hurt or YELL at my babygirl or else.." "Y-y-y-yes!" they all stuttered. Tsk, such a scaredy cats..And then I left them all dumfounded.


     I still can't process anything.. MY FREAKING SOON TO BE HUSBAND IS A MAFIA KING! I just stood there, but then my teacher spoke "Y-you may now go back to your seat, Ms. Y/n.." I nod and went back to my seat and I feel all the stares that my classmates are throwing at me, the teacher noticed it and spoke "Ok, now let's start the class" finally they stopped starring at me, now I can finally breath.

    Well..  I guess he is really my soon to be husband. Ok, now let me tell you something.. My grandpa told me that when he is still a mafia, he had a very close friend whom he could count on and trust. So they promised to each other that when they had a children, they would have to be married, but they're not lucky because they both had a son. So they made another promise that when they had a grandchildren, they have to get married. When I was born, my grandpa told me that he was very happy because he wished to have a granddaughter and it finally came true. Kim Taehyung was probably the son of my grandpa's friend. I agreed to what my grandpa was referring to, because this was only his wish from me and I also want him to be happy. But I have one condition to marry him, I told my grandpa that I will only marry the guy when I am done with my studies and its gonna be next year.

Taehyung POV

     I am here sitting at my limo with a smile crept on my face and then Namjoon hyung spoke "Yah, Taehyung-ah! We know that you love here, but please don't smile like that, you look so scary, you know?" "Taehyung-shi, mind telling us what she did last night to you?" Hoseok hyung asked as my smile grew wider "Y-yah, hyung what did she do?" Jungkook asked while being afraid of his hyung's smile. I faced them and saw them with a terrified look "Why are you guys looking at me like that?*sigh*  ok, let me tell you what happened last night-" i told them what happened and how she helped me with her kindness as they all smiled. "Oh.. I thought something happened.. hehe" Jimin said while laughing awkwardly "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and he gasp dramatically while covering his mouth "Yah- what I mean is that she did something bad to you AND I thought you will kill her, What are you thinking, huh?"


-Time Skip-

     "Grandpa- grandpa!" I shouted from downstairs "Aigoo- why are you shouting like tha-" he asked but I cut him off "I saw my fiane-" "Really? Well.. thats's good" I gave him a 'seriously' look and spoke "Wdym, grandpa? He is a M.A.F.I.A. a MAFIA!! You didn't tell me that I will marry a mafia" he just chuckled. "Don't worry my dear, my friend is a good person and I'm sure that his son is a good person, too. Don't you remember that I used to be a mafia, too? Me and my friend didn't kill innocent people" he patted my back as I sigh and nod "Mk.. imma sleep now, btw- I already ate.. Goodnight, love ya!" "Goodnight my dear, love ya too!"

-Next Day-

     I am here outside the school and when I was about to go inside when I saw my bullies. Argh, not again, but I was surprised about what they said.. "W-were sorry Y/n-ah, please forgive us for everything that we did to you.." is this true? Did that Taehyung threatened them? Wah- jinja?! I guess I'm just gonna forgive them and who even am I to not forgive them, everyone deserves a second chance anyways. "Its ok, I forgive you now. But- did that asshole threatened you?" I asked "Ani- he didn't threaten us, Thank you so much Y/n for forgiving us, you are such an angel, can we please be friends?" Irene asked as I frowned "Wha- I thought you guys hate me?" I asked out of curiosity and she sighed "Sorry if we bullied you, we were just jealous of you.." "Huh- why would you guys get jealous of me? We all know that you guys are  much better than me" I chuckled lightly "You're wrong.. you are much better than us because of your beauty and kindness.. A lot of boys here in the campus actually likes you and we scared them to not be friends with you.." her statement made me shocked- A lot of boys has a crush on me, how can be that possible?! "Uh, wth- is this true?" "Yes.. we got mad because no one likes us and they all like you,, we're really sorry for what we did to you, can we please be friends?" I got emotional because no one asked me to be their friend on my whole entire life and now my wish is coming true. To have a friends "Ofcourse! why not? hehe" I said cheerfully and hugged them "Really?! Thank you so much!

     Here I am sitting with my friends at the cafeteria. Istg, having a friends is one of the best feeling ever. They are actually goofy, so I showed them my goofy side, It felt like I am really comfortable with them and I feel like we've been friends before, but I just shrugged it off when Seulgi unnie said something "Taehyung became more scarier than before-" I frowned "Wdym, unnie?" "A-ah, i-its nothing h-hehe" "ok?" I shrugged it off and continued to eat. For the rest of the day, we just talk and had a lot of fun. This is the most memorable thing in my life.

     "Tata, you can't catch me HAHAHA!" "Princess, there's a truck behind yo-" BOOM! I woke up from my sleep while panting heavily. Oh my god that's the hundredth time that I've dreamed of that. I wonder why is that dream seems so mysterious..

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