The Mafia King and The Shy Girl (Part 5)

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     You and Taehyung were friends since you were kids, you guys became friends because of your grandfathers. But he is older than you, so you think of him as a brother, but you have this weird feeling when you are always with him. You actually had a little crush on him, but you are not sure because you are just a kid back then. Until one day...

     When you were 13 years old and he is 17 years old, you guys are playing in a park. You walk towards him "Hey, Tata-" he cutted you off "Princess, can we make a promise?" "Hmm.. sure, what is it?" you asked "We will get married after your school, promise?" You are pretending that you are thinking of what to answer, but deep in your heat is a big YES. "Sure" you smiled "Really?! Ye--" you cut him off "IF! If.. you can catch me.." you said shyly and ran "Aish, this cutie.." he ran after you, but then- "Tata, you can't catch me- HAHAHA!" "Princess, there's a truck behind you!!" BOOM!!

Taehyung POV

     I felt like my whole world stopped, my love is there with a lifeless body and blood on her head. The truck just left and I immediately called her parents while crying and took her to the hospital.

-At the Hospital-

     "There is a good news and a bad news.." the doctor said, I quickly stand up and asked "Please tell us, what is it?!" "The good news is, she is now recovering but the bad new is.. She had an amnesia.." "W-WHAT?! NO, NO- no no no, NO WAY!" I cried aswell as her parents and and her grandpa.

-Time Skip-

     I am waiting for her to wake up, its been 2 days and she hasn't been waking up yet and its killing me. I miss her laughs, her voice and her smile..

     I was staring at her face when I saw her hand moving a little so I quickly stood up and went to her "P-princess, you're back!" I said happily "W-who are y-you?" those words made me feel like someone stabbed my heart multiple times. I called our parents and our grandfathers.

     As they walked inside, they quickly hugged her "My baby, we missed you so much" her mom said "U-uhm.. w-who are you, who are you guys?- Oh hey grandpa! Do you know who they are?" We all looked at her with wide eyes. She only remember her grandpa but not us..

     Its been one week and she still cannot remember us, she is now living with her grandpa because she is scared of us and kept pushing all of us everytime we visit her, but I won't give up. 

     Day by day, I always go to her house, I always gave her flowers, toys, our favorite foods and more, but she still cannot remember me. One day, my parents and I need to go to america because they had a business trip for 2 years. I told them that I won't come until my Princess remember me, but they still insist so I just gave up. I decided to maybe atleast say goodbye to her, but she doesn't even care that I would leave this country which broke my heart. But I will come back and remind her of our companions when we were just kids, I want to fulfill our promise...

     I was 2 years trained in America by my grandpa and my dad on martial arts and how to use guns and more. That's why I became a mafia and I want to take a revenge to the person who hit my Princess with a truck, I knew that it was not just an accident because he/she just left and the police had been looking for him.

     I came back after 2 years and started a mafia business and hard worked for 5 years, I luckily became the most successful mafia and that's why they called me a 'Mafia King' here in Seoul. Its all because of my Princess, she became my motivation of all things that I did. Until one day, I found a girl that just looked like her voice and her face at a coffee shop, so I quickly asked for her information and it was actually her.

     When I first visited her, I saw her old friends so I quickly looked for their information and found out that they bullied my Princess, so I asked them why they bullied her, they said that they bully her because she reminds of Y/N and they feel like she is just replacing Y/N, which is actually her. I told them that it was actually her and they felt bad for what they did to her, so I hope that they already say sorry to my Princess. But I told them not to tell my Princess about who they are to her because I want myself to be the one to tell her everything about herself and all that happened in the past.

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