~Chapter 2~

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After we played quidditch we went in for lunch and the twins if you didn't know they are pranksters so they sold some of their prank candy to some first years I told them not to but they didn't listen they never listen to anything I say unless it's me hugging, kissing their cheek or me agreeing to a prank be me saying no to something they don't listen to me at all. It's kinda annoying but I don't really care.

"Boys I said not the first years!" I say

"To late!" The twins say together

I roll my eyes and eat lunch just then someone tapped my shoulder me and the twins turn around to see Draco Malfoy he's in the same year as Harry and hermione he's mean to Harry so I don't know why he would tap my shoulder

"Can I help you mr.Malfoy?" I say

"I-uh can we talk outside the great hall please?" He says scared because the twins look like they are gonna kill him

"Yes you may. Boys be good no pranking first years understand?"

"Yes mum!" They all say

I roll my eyes and go to the outside of the great hall with Draco I may be older but he still is taller or maybe I'm just short?

"What do yo-" I say but can't finish because as soon as we're out of sight he smashes him lips on mine

"Draco.." I start when we pull apart

"I'm sorry Emily I've wanted to do that since we meet when I came in my first year."

"It's ok. Look your handsome and sweet to me and all but I'm older so I'm sorry but we can't do this if that's what you want.." I say

"I know.." He says

"Hey look at me" I say "we may not be able to date but I'll still be your friend. Ok"

"Wait really!" He yells

"Yes but you got to be nice to the trio." I say

"Deal!" He says picking me up and spinning around we laugh

"Ok I got to go eat." I say when he puts me down

"Ok bye. Oh and can I call you princess?" He ask blushing

"Yeah sure." I say giggling as I go back to the table I go up to the trio

"Hey what's up!" They say together

"I just got your bully to stop. Your welcome." I say

"Wait how Draco would never?" Harry says

"He fancies me. So I told him I'll be his friend if he stops." I say walking away

"Thanks Emma!" They yell at the same time

I get back to the twins

"Why are they saying thanks?" Fred ask

"I made a deal with Draco I'll be his friend if he stops bullying them."

"Your cheating on us?" George says acting offended

"No I would never I promise Georgie." I say giggling

"Good or we would have to fight a kid." Fred says laughing

"Ok losers you wanna go hangout in the common room lunch is over." I ask

"Yep!" All three say together

"Come on then. Race you!" I yell running out

"That's not fair!" Lee yells

"Yes it is!" I yell

I run past Draco and wave. I win to the common room

"That's not fair Em!" Lee says out of breath

"Yeah!" The twins say trying to get their breath back

"Sorry boys." I say sarcastically

"Come on!" I say going in

I sit by the fire in between the twins and across from lee I fall asleep in George's arms and wake up to Fred saying it's dinner time so we go eat

"I won the race losers!" I rub it in since I fell asleep

I know don't run it in!" Lee says

We all laugh and eat and joke until Ron come over mad

"What's wrong Ron?" I ask

"I need to talk to you Em." He says

"Uh ok?" I go talk to the trio.

"What's up?" I ask

"We found something out but we can't go to it because we are not old enough to go to that part of the castle and Ron is upset because he wanted to but snape won't like him." Harry says

"I'll do it." I say without knowing

"No Em your not!" Harry yells "I can't let you get hurt your like the only family I have left I'm not losing you!"

"I was trying to help. I'll help anyway I can I promise ok Harry?" I say

"Thanks and ok." He says "go eat I'm not letting you miss dinner ok."

"Ok." I walk back to the twins

"What was that about?" Lee ask

"Honestly i don't know." I say

We eat and go back to the common room and I go to bed because I'm tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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