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Where Zander and Luke go to play in the autumn leaves during their date.

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"And- And, when you left to get the drinks for us, there was this girl who asked for my number!" Zander exclaimed to his boyfriend. "I simply just looked at her and said I was gay, and she left the shop right away!"

Luke chuckled with this information, taking a seat on the park bench beside Zander. "Well, at least they left because you intimidated them."

"Yea yea, I suppose." Zander said, rolling his eyes as he took a sip of the warm hot chocolate for the breezy, autumn air.

That day, Zander and Luke decided to have a simple date. All they wanted was some time to themselves, just to talk after a long day of practicing for the coming band competition.

In that moment, a strong breeze that brought the orange leaves with it passed by. As per usual, some of the leaves went into Zander's hair.

Luke noticed this, and laughed softly. "You got something on your hair again."

"Let me guess, another leaf? Gosh, what's with all the leaves wanting to stay on my hair? Do they have some infatuation for my locks or something?" Zander said with a huff.

Luke just rolled his eyes, as a grin formed on his lips. He then lift an arm and removed the autumn leaves from his boyfriend's hair.

Zander just glanced at him once in a while as he did just that, a pink tint appearing on his cheeks as he did so.

"There, all better now!" Luke said, happily. Luke then brought his hand back to his lap.

"So, uh, how's your mom? I miss her brownies." Zander said to bring in conversation, the pink tint on his cheeks slowly fading away.

"Uh, mom's doing well. She's been wanting for you to come over ever since I told her we started dating." Luke said sheepishly.

"Oh, well tell her I can come over soon." Zander said, biting his lip.

"Oh? When?" Luke said, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe next week Friday? I'd very much like to hang around your home for a while." Zander said.

"I'll make sure to aware her." Luke said. He then looked around him, as a silence started growing between them.
Luckily, it wasn't awkward by any means, it was a peaceful, comfortable silence.

Luke then caught sight of a large pile of leaves below a tree, around ten or twelve feet from him. 'What would it be like to roll around that?' Luke thought. He then looked at Zander and back to the pile, as a large playful grin started to show on his face.

"What?" Zander said, he seemed to have noticed the grin and was blushing slightly because of it. 'This man was adorable.' Zander thought.

"You see that pile over there?" Luke said, looking at Zander with the same grin and a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

Zander rolled his eyes. "No, Luke. That's a bit childish if you'd ask me."

"Please~" Luke said, pouting at the black-purple haired man seated beside him. At this point, Luke has forgotten about his hot chocolate, putting it beside him on the bench, his hand now on Zander's hands.

Zander turned pink and huffed. "Fine."

Luke's small pout then became a large grin. The golden eyed man pulled up Zander towards the pile of leaves, then jumping on the pile with him.

Zander and Luke got leaves everywhere, some got stuck on his hair. For a while, they threw the leaves at each other and laughed. They were happy no one was watching them, cause people would think they were odd teenagers.

When they grew tired of throwing leaves at each other, they both just decided to lay by the trunk of the tree. They stayed there for a while, looking up at the slowly falling leaves.

"Hey, Luke." Zander said.

"Hm?" Luke said.

Zander turned to face Luke. "I love you." He said, a small, wholesome smile on his face.

Luke turned to Zander, leaned towards him, and kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheek, then his lips softly.

"I love you too." Luke said.

Fall • Lander One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now