Study Session

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Where Zander and Luke study together and Luke eventually falls asleep while studying.

Inspiration of this chapter:
That one scene in the "Holding You" GCMV where Luke falls asleep while studying.

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"God, I hate science." Zander said, groaning loudly as he tilted his head back, eventually almost falling off his chair.

"Woah there, you okay?" Luke said.

"Yea. Anyways, how the hell am I supposed to know about atom design methodology?" Zander said, straightening himself on his chair.

"I don't know." Luke said, stretching and yawning at the same time. "Sitting on this chair makes me feel stiff."

"Tell me about it." Zander said, chuckling.

"What the hell is 'Vanadium'?" Luke asked with a puzzled look. "Oh lord, seeing all this is making me lose brain cells."

Zander rolled his eyes, smiling softly as he did so.

"I just want to..." Luke yawned. "Sleep..."

"I can see why. It's almost 10PM now, and we're still studying." Zander said. "But, oh well."

Luke placed his head to the table, playing with the pencil on his hand.

"Aye, no sleeping while doing work. You can sleep after." Zander said, slapping Luke's arm.

"Ouch! Okay, okay." Luke said with a huff.

And so, they studied. Maybe for an hour or so, probably more. Zander having to slap Luke awake from time to time.

Zander then looked slightly beside him to ask Luke a question, but saw him asleep instead.

His head was leaning towards the back rest of his chair, his mouth slightly agape; his eyes closed shut.

He looked peaceful, him breathing quietly as he slept.

Zander smiled slightly, the sight of his friend beside him making him chuckle softly.
This time, he let him sleep.

Though he knew his neck would hurt afterwards, he still let him sleep anyways, not wanting to disturb his peaceful state this time.

Zander then stood up, walking towards his bed, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over Luke, letting him stay warm through the cold night.

Zander's smile widened a bit more, watching Luke pull the blanket more towards him as Zander studied beside him.

"This idiot." Zander said with a smile as he scoffed. "Sleep tight, Luke."

• • •

Author's Note:
Asteri's having a (happy) sobbing session...
Okay, anyways.
Thank you so much for 1k+ reads! I didn't really think this trash would get attention but thank you nonetheless. I love you all!

 I love you all!

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