Sober Confessions

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Where Luke tells Zander about what he confessed to him while drunk.

Little side note:
This is part two of 'Drunken Confessions', so please read that to get the full context of this chapter.

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Zander woke up with a groan and a large headache. Probably because of the party last night.

"Good morning." Luke said, turning around from his chair on his desk.

"Hey?" Zander asked nervously. Luke gave him a cheeky smile, one that made Zander want to melt.

"Ugh, this hangover sucks." Zander complained. Luke chuckled. "You shouldn't have drank a lot then. Why did you even drink that much?"

Zander's cheeks flushed red upon being asked that question. "I-I-, uh..."

Luke laughed. "No need to answer that."

"Because I wanted to get you off my mind." Zander mumbled.

"What?" Luke said, acting oblivious to what Zander just said. He was completely aware of what he said, this confirming Zander's feelings for him, which he returned.

"It's nothing, haha..." Zander said with a nervous smile. He then stood up, picking up some clothes from his drawer. "I'll go take a shower. Any plans for today, since it's a Saturday?"

"Don't you remember that we'll be hanging out with Hailey and the others today?" Luke said.

"Wait, really? Damn it." Zander said. "I forgot, sorry."

Luke chuckled, turning his chair to face his desk again.

Zander just huffed to his response and went into the bathroom.

• • •

Ten minutes later, Zander left the bathroom, all dressed up and drying his hair with a towel in hand.

"What are you even reading?" Zander asked, putting his towel aside.

"Just my notes from class." Luke said, shrugging.

Zander hummed in response and sat on his bed, grabbing his phone.
Luke, on the other hand, placed his book aside and turned himself to look at Zander.

Zander looked up from his phone. "What?"

Luke sighed. "Do you know what you told me last night?"

"While drunk? No." Zander said, putting his phone aside.

The violet eyed man sat himself into a 'Burmese' seating position, eyeing the golden eyed man a few feet in front of him nervously. He was anxious about what Luke was about to share. What kind of things did he say while drunk?

Luke just chuckled. "It's funny how we've liked each other for years and we didn't even notice. Only now did I really think about it and see how obvious we were."

Zander's whole face became red, realizing that he shared his deepest secret with his crush. He started mumbling, twiddling with his fingers and fixing his eyes onto his bed sheets.

Luke, who stood from his seat and moved to the spot in front of Zander, sat there and looked at him silently, his eyes softening like it always did when he saw Zander in his state.

Luke reached out and held Zander's hand. "Calm down. I like you too, ever since seventh grade, actually."

Zander looked up and made eye contact with Luke, his anxiety slowly going away under Luke's stare.

A smile then appeared on his lips, his violet eyes brightening, now that he fully seeped in the information that his crush and best friend of many years liked him back.

Zander leaned in and hugged Luke, the golden eyed man hugging him back.

Luke closed his eyes under Zander's touch. He may seem cold and intimidating with his violet eyes but he was truly a soft and warm person.

Zander sighed with relief. "That's good to know."

• • •

Author's Note:
Yay, I just finished a two part chapter!
I made little adjustments to the book, like changing the formatting of the chapters and the cover!

New cover:

Hope you guys like the new cover!This literally took me an hour to make it

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Hope you guys like the new cover!
This literally took me an hour to make it.
Nevertheless, hope you guys have an amazing day! See ya in the next chapter!

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