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Where Luke comforts a sad Zander because his parents decided to divorce.

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Zander sniffled, his tears streaming down his cheeks to his bed sheets.

A few minutes ago, his father left their home with multiple suitcases, shouting at his mother to sign the divorce papers as he did so. Zander knowing this meant his family was officially apart, sobbed his heart out on his bed.
Unbeknownst to Zander, his friend, Luke, was coming over with newly baked cookies from his mom.

When Luke was around two meters away from Zander's home, he saw Zander's father slam the front door shouting something about a divorce papers. He watched Zander's father leave the home, driving away with multiple suitcases.

Luke then walked towards the door, a little hesitant because of what he just saw.

He then knocked the wooden door in front of him, the door then being opened by a violet haired woman.

"H-hello Mrs. Wickham." Luke said nervously, unsure if he should be here.

"Hello there Luke." Mrs. (or Ms.)  Wickham said, a small, kind smile appearing on her lips. "Zander's in his room."

Luke nodded, rushing to go to his friend's room. He knew that Zander was in a terrible state, without even seeing him, and he was absolutely correct.

As Luke opened the door, he saw a sobbing Zander sobbing on his bed.

"Zander?" Luke said softly, closing the door.

"Get away from me Luke!" Zander shouted at him, his voice cracking because of all the sobbing.

"No, you're all blue." Luke said, concern in his eyes.

"I-i'm not blue." Zander mumbled, still looking away from Luke. He obviously didn't want to be seen crying by him, even if he saw him cry multiple times.

"N-no, I meant blue, the sad blue." Luke said.

"There's such a word as that...?" Zander said, his voice still cracking. He was still laying down.

"Yea." Luke said. "Mr. Bronner said so in English class."

"Oh.. I-i'm.. Yea, I'm blue." Zander said, now sitting up and facing Luke.
Zander's eyes were red and dried up tears were on his cheeks, some tears still on his eyes.

"Hey.., It's okay-" Luke said, but was cut off by Zander.
"No, it's not!" Zander said, more tears falling off his cheek. "M-my family has now fallen apart, how am I supposed to take this? How is it okay?!"

"Hey, hey.. I know it's hard to know that your father just left you, but you still have your mom! And me, your friend! It's not the end of your life, there will be better things coming, better things that will make you forget about this. Besides, your dad was an arse." Luke said, trying to comfort Zander with his words.

"I-i-..... It's just hard to know I now have no father." Zander said, more tears streaming off his face.

Luke got a few tissue papers from his bag and wiped the tears on Zander's face off. "I know it's fine to cry and all, to let it all out, but I think you should stop crying, y'know? It's ruining your pretty eyes."

Zander laughed a bit, a silent, soft laugh. "Thanks Luke."

"No problem. Now, let's not put my mother's blue cookies she made to waste!" Luke said, a smile appearing on his lips.

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Author's Note:
Haha, you see what I did there?
Mr. Bronner? Blue cookies? Hahahahaha...
Yea, it's just me.
If you're very clueless about it, I just threw two Percy Jackson references into this chapter, so, hehe.
Anyways, my updates will be slow from now on since I'm quite busy now because of all the editing I have to do, so I apologize for that in advance. Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed!

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