Drunken Confessions

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Where Zander gets drunk at a party and eventually tells Luke his feelings about him.

─ Suggested by cakeuuuu_

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"Ugh..." Zander groaned, sloppily walking towards the sofa at the side of the room.

The music in the other room was loud, making Zanders head pound.

Buzz buzz buzz

Zander's phone rang. He simply looked at the phone on his hands for a few minutes before answering.

"H-hello..?" Zander said.

"Zander, is that you? Oh my lord! Where are you?!" A woman's voice called out.

"Uh... Oh, hi Hailey!" Zander said, giggling.

"Zander." Hailey said, sighing. "Are you drunk?"

"Noooo! I'm not!" Zander said, defending himself, failing in the process.

"Oh lord, you are." The black eyed woman said, rubbing her forehead. "You have to go home, you're not safe there. I can call Luke to come pick you up."

"No, no, no! Not Luke!" Zander whined. "I don't want him to see me like this."

"Yes Luke, I only trust him when it comes to you." Hailey said, dropping the call.

Zander groaned, covering his face. 'How did I even get here?' He asked himself.

Around ten minutes later, a golden eyed man burst through the door. The moment the man's eyes laid on the violet haired man on the sofa, it softened with concern.

"Zander?" Luke said, walking towards him.

"Hi..." Zander said groggily.

Luke went towards Zander, placing his arm around Zander's waist and placing one of Zander's arms over his shoulder.

"God, how much did you drink?" Luke sighed.

"N-not much.." Zander said, a small, cheeky smile appearing on his lips. Luke rolled his eyes on this.

Luke then hastily brought Zander to his car, sitting him on the front seat.

"Now, hold this." Luke said, passing Zander a small paper bag double layered with plastic. "To vomit on."

Zander nodded and accepted the bag.

"I suppose the party was far more intense than I thought." Luke said with a chuckle, placing the keys on it's slot to drive. "God, you smell like alcohol- Well, of course you do."

Zander didn't care about the comment and just closed his eyes. Luke watched him do that and sighed.

"Go to sleep, it'll help you." Luke said, as he started the car and drove.

"Mhm..." Zander said. "H-hey Luke."

"Yes?" Luke responded.

"D-did you know... That I've had a crush on you since sixth grade?" Zander started.

Luke's eyes widened as a pink tint appeared on his cheeks.

"I-i didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, y'know? It's better to have you as a friend than lose you completely." Zander continued. "Hailey knew about this. She kept on trying to push me into telling you, but I was just.. Just..."

Zander then puked on the bag. Luke didn't budge, he didn't say a word, he just drove to their dorm. What was he supposed to say? What was he supposed to do? He glanced a bit and saw Zander wipe his mouth.

"I was just too nervous. Too nervous to tell you my feelings." Zander finished.

"I-i-" Luke said, as he stopped the car in front of the dorm building. "Uh... W-we're here."

Luke then dropped Zander on his bed. The moment Zander's head hit his pillow, he dozed off, going straight to sleep.

Luke then dropped himself on his bed, staring at the ceiling, sighing.

'What am I supposed to do or say? I just found out that my crush of seven years likes me back!' Luke thought. He then turned his head to look at Zander sleeping on the other bed a few feet away from him. 'Should I even tell him about what he said?'

Luke then sat up from his bed, hugging his knees.

'I'll tell him.. Maybe tomorrow.'

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Author's Note:
Hello hello readers! Just wanted to say thank you for more than 650+ reads and 30+ votes! The amount of attention this book is getting means so much for me! :)

Anyways, part two of this chapter will be made later on, so look forward for that.

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