Chapter 18

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"I don't think mother and father would like it." Hyunjin whispered. We are currently sitting by the fireplace at his room. All doors and windows locked.

He was behind me while I talked with Ryujin on the phone. That's how he knew.

"I know. So please keep it a secret." I begged. I couldn't tell our parents, they would flip.

"Of course! They might send you overseas if they knew." That is what I am fearing. Ryujin has tour in 3 weeks and we will be apart for some time and I think I'll go crazy, what more If they send me overseas?

"I don't know what to do, Hyunjin. You accept me right? You don't mind that you're only sister is dating a girl, right?" He softly smiled and took my hand.

"Whatever happens, Princess. I'm your twin brother, I accept you whole-heartedly." He carressed my hand and kissed my forehead. I'm overwhelmed and couldn't control my tears.

"I'm glad you do. Thank you, Hyunjin." I smiled and hugged him. He pats my back.

"Now I know why Euki looks sad when she left. She lost two times." He chuckled.

"Three actually. She didn't had the chance to talk to her long lost bestfriend." His brows furrowed.


"Ryujin. They were the best vocal duo back then before Euki has to leave for Japan." I said and he only nods.

"At some point I have to tell our parents." I added. "I couldn't just hide from them."

"Of course you'll have to tell Ryujin about it." He said, looking at the fire at the chimney.

"Of course. I was thinking of inviting her over dinner but I don't know when she's free."

"She's your girlfriend. You should know her schedule." I rolled my eyes.

"But that doesn't mean I have to know every single one of them. I would look like a crazy possesive girlfriend." He chuckled. "Besides I trust her."

"But you are a crazy ass girlfriend. Look at your room, Yeji. It's filled with posters of Ryujin and the whole band. Well mostly Ryujin. You've got like 23 posters." He teased.

"27, I have bought four more and I forgot to hang them." I proudly smiled.

I rest my head on a big pillow after talking with Yeji. I sighed.

The thought of leaving her for a few months makes me gloomy. I couldn't imagine seeing her not in the crowd. If only I could take her to tour.

I stood up from the knocks on the door. Who could that be? If those are my friends then they would have already barge in. It couldn't be Yeji as well, she is already home.

I went to the door and opened it.

"Love, How have you been?" He smiled wider and hugged me tight.

"I missed you, Ryujin. Didn't you miss this old man?" He chuckled and let me go.

"I missed you too, Dad. I didn't expect you to come especially this late?" I let him in and offered him to sit.

"I'm just bored back at my office so why not disturb my only daughter?" I rolled my eyes playfully and sat next to the old man.

"Why not your only son?" He shrugged. "It's cold and scary at the cemetery at this time."

"Besides it's warm and cozy here in your apartment and of course I missed my young kiddo." He punched my arm playfully and I revenged.

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