20 - Not about angels

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Chapter 20

Dabi's point of view

"Hey Dabi, can I ask you something?" The girl laying next to me spoke. My drowsiness cleared a bit as her voice interrupted the peaceful silence. I couldn't see her face but I figured she was also tired.

"What?" I said with more anger than originally intended. "What do you know about Kurogiri?" She continued. This question caught me by surprise, however, I wasn't sure what to expect in the first place.

"Why do you wanna know?" My question went unanswered for at least a minute, until she turned around to face me. "Honestly... He's so dark and mysterious, and since I'll stay here from now on I wanna know. That's all."

Why him? "I'm dark and mysterious too," I shifted in the bed til I was on top of her, feeling her warm skin against mine. "Don't you want to get to know me?"

I didn't know what this feeling was, or how other people would describe this, but I wanted this conversation to be about me. I wanted her to ask about me and I wanted her to think about me and only me.

Yet in my mental despair, she laughed from underneath me. "I know you, you're Dabi." She looked up at me with her big eyes with purple irises. They were... beautiful. Unlike my own, which constantly reminded me of the person I most hated.

I sat down next to her. "Never mind." She sat up too. "All I know is that he's kind of like a bodyguard to Shigaraki, and does whatever he's told like a robot. It's like he's not even human sometimes." I spoke.

"What do you mean by that?" Her words made me think about mine, and why I said them. "It's just that nobody seems to know anything about his past, he doesn't have a last name and he's awfully polite to everyone."

"Well, I don't know your full name either. Or anything solid about your past." She got up from the bed.

Kurai's point of view

I was shaking. I don't think he noticed, but I was utterly terrified, ever since I entered this room. So much that I turned away from him and got off the bed to get dressed.

He seemed to think this was a casual conversation, but to me this was a matter of life and death. If I knew his name I could finally get away from this place before anything bad happened.

"Do you want to?" I buttoned up my pants and looked back at the villain. "Want to what?" I asked. He looked to the side, as if he'd lost all his confidence when he asked me his question the first time.

"Do you want to know more about me?" He was talking a lot softer than he had the rest of the conversation. I could see he was some kind of nervous, as his breathing seemed to be accelerated and I figured his heart beat would too. Is he catching feelings? This could be my chance!

"As long as you're willing t-" I stopped when I heard a stampede coming from the hallway.

The room shook at the slam of the door against the wall. Spinner came in and grabbed my arm to drag me with him. "Oi!" Dabi got up. I stumbeled my way thought the hallway leading to the common room. "What the hell are you doing, lizard?!" I heard Dabi behind me.

I finally saw Spinners face, and the tears that had heaped up in his eyes. "W-wha.." He harshly threw me down, hurting my hands in the process, and looked at the middle of the room as the tears started to fall. I noticed the others where all here, some looking at me with envy in their eyes, others to a lifeless body on the floor. Toga.

Published: 28/11/2020
It's a little shorter than usual, but this wasn't actually supposed to be a separate chapter but now it is :P
Also, I'm sorry it's kinda bad?? I've been watching way too many comedy anime's lately and I can't shake their mannerisms out of my head when imagining these scenes T^T

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