26 - Feel it still

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Chapter 26

"She's mine... she's mine..." The man pacing back and forth behind me kept mumbling. after passing out, I ended up in some abandoned factory with Dabi, who seemed to have gone crazier than a soup chicken.

I'd been awake for two or three minutes, and I started to wonder what time it was. I made my call in the morning, and it would only take a few hours for the heroes to get ready and reach the hideout. But another thing that worried me was that the place I'm at doesn't look the slightest bit like the warehouse the league stayed at...

Metal tubes and cables slithered all around the place; the floor as well as the walls and ceiling. The big amount of metal made the room cold. There were no windows so it might as well be midnight by now.

I was tried up, once again, yet Mr. Psycho behind me was free from any restraints. It made me wonder how the two of us got here in the first place.

As if he could hear me thinking about him, the sound of his pacing changed into footsteps coming my way. He placed his hand on my right shoulder and stroked downwards to my elbow as he sat down on his ankles, making my skin create goosebumps out of fear and discomfort.

I looked down at his face and was met with the one I least expected. His gaze was one a man would give his soon-to-be wife at the alter. But this situation, the wife didn't at all look back at him with the same lovesick stare in her eyes. No, I was beyond terrified.

"You're awake, I'm glad." His voice sounded sincere, despite me outing his biggest secret the last time I was conscious. His right hand was still holding onto my arm, as his left sneaked up to my knee. In response I leaned away from him, creating a greater distance between us. If you could call it a distance at all, as my torso was bound to the chair.

"I'm sorry I can't let you loose yet. I can't have you running away from me." The villain spoke with a chuckle.

Are you serious? You're the one would should be tied to a chair, not me!!

His eyes moved away from me and looked straight ahead, but nothing was there. "You know, it kinda hurt that you didn't keep your promise and told those people my secret."

His voice was cold, contrasting the way he spoke before. "I'll have you know it took a hell lot to escape that cursed name." His voice changed back from the cold, monotone one to one that didn't fit the situation we were in; a honeyed one. "But now I've got you." He looked at me again, his eyes half-lidded like some lovesick little boy confessing to someone who very obviously doesn't love him back.

Did his feelings not falter after I was exposed to have lied during the entire time of knowing each other? How is he not completely murdering me right now?

Without warning, his head came down next to his left hand on my thigh, facing away from me. "You're mine. All mine." I felt the metal clasps near his jaw move as he talked.

The hell I'm not.

I could only see one side of his face, which was enough to know he closed his eyes. "Hey Uh... Dabi, what's the time right now?" There was no reaction from the man who I had betrayed and exposed, at least for a few minutes, until his huskey voice created a soft echo in the deserted building.

"It doesn't matter to me that you're not a villain, you know." His eyes remained closed as he completely ignored my relatively important question. "I can't let you go back to the hero side now, you... you mean too much. Hero or not."


"I'm no hero, Dabi." I choked out, tears threatening my vision.

I'm just someone who murdered a bunch of derailed people that would be considered good-for-nothings by this cruel society for the sake of that very society.

He looked up, the place on my lap being exposed by the chilly air. "I don't care what you are and what you're not. Just... don't leave."

It's not like I have a choice in the matter. The ropes around my wrist were almost half as thick as arm. I can't make a blade sharp enough to cut through something so massive.

Heroes, please hurry up...

Heroes from all over Japan gathered here to take out the league of villains. Most of us were ready to infiltrate, but still waiting on the signal.

I repositioned myself, relaxing a bit more as I plopped my butt down on the roof. All I had to do was pretend to be arresting our infiltrant, and get her out.

I wonder why they didn't gave that job to someone's sidekick, it's not like it's that hard so it's a waste of my abilities. But then again, the commission specifically asked me to do it so I don't have a choice in the matter.

Without receiving any start sign myself, I saw some of the heroes moving in. Alright then. I got up and let myself fall off the building. My wings steering me to the glass window on the lowest floor, which shattered as I passed through it.

I looked around the place, which was downright disgusting by the way. There were some heroes fighting the league, but all of the villains were male. Behind the bar I saw a hero arresting one of the villains. That's fast...

I moved over to it. The hero who arrested him kept going, but I stopped them. The purple villain did not look up nor did it try to fight.

"Hey, you, fog-man." He looked at me with haunting yellow eyes, if you could call them that. "Where's the lady? Her name's Fukōshi." The villain did not speak, but instead activated his quirk.

A swirl of the same purple fog appeared, which matched descriptions with one that was used in the USJ attack. The violet man pointed at his creation, as if to say she was there.

It wasn't that I trusted this silent villain, nor that I was being reckless, but something made me fly through his portal, which closed soon enough because of the creator being knocked out behind me.

I landed in a significantly colder room, but the mentioned female was nowhere in sight. Crap.

I nearly tripped over some lose wire that was on the ground when I started walking, as I heard voices. I moved slowly to where the sound was coming from and them. The lady was tied to a chair and her objective for the past few months was sitting next her, totally letting down his guard as he appeared to be asleep on her lap.

I sent one of my hardened feathers to try and cut her loose. She must've felt this as she looked around in sudden panic, which caught the man's, which I assumed was Dabi, attention.

Well, fuck.

Published: 09/01/2021
Excuse me while I go perish under the pressure of all my unfinished schoolwork...
I tried writing a bit different this time?? I bet it's not even noticeable but I actually had time to read a good book (okay fanfic) and the writing style is just amazing! Mine's still a work in process haha

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