22 - Wild love

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Chapter 22

The first thing I felt was the stinging of small wounds on my wrists. I let out a soft moan because of the pain in my head, what got the attention of my companion. "Are you alright, miss Fukoshi?" I looked up at the overwhemingly purple man.

"Are ya 'wake for more?" One of the men in the room spoke. I remember being knocked out multiple times before. I shifted in my seat, and fumbled with the rope tying my arms together once again.

"I'm starting to get uncomfortable on this chair. How about you cut me lose and make it a fair fight? I'll flip you like an omelet!" I proposed. He just chuckled and contiued watching some foreign tv program.

"How long have we been here already? My butt hurts." I whined. "About 8 hours now. I'm convinced we will be rescued by master Shigaraki soon." The gentle giant answered, though my question was more hypothetical than serious. It was no use trying to get out of here ourselfs, as I couldn't use my quirk and I bet it was the same for Kurogiri.

I sighed. "I sure hope so..."

Dabi's point of view

"How much longer is it? I think Dabi might break this orb if takes much longer." Mister Compress said from outside. That stupid prick locked me in here after I found at note that some guys kidnapped Kurai. I can't see much from in here but I assumed they found the trail of those assholes that kidnapped Kurai.

They didn't just do that. When I got back, I found the dead bodies of our newest members, and they took Kurogiri too. The van we were in stopped, and without warning I was ejected back into the real world.

"What the hell?" I stood up from the ground. "What did you do that for?!" I launched at Atsuhiro, making the van shake.

"Stop that!!" Spinner yelled from behind the wheel. He moved to the back where we were. "I know you want your revenge, we do too. I hand picked those new members they murdered."

In my fit of rage I hadn't noticed there were only three of us. "What about the rest?" Mr Compress brushed off his clothes. "Well, you know Twice's state. And Shigaraki told us it was too risky and not worth it." What an asshole.

I looked out the window, at the building next to the van. "Is she in there?" My voice contained more worry than I wanted to expose, which became apparent from the hand that was laid on my shoulder.

"She'll be just fine, you'll see. She's strong you know. Hard." Atsuhiro said. "I know she is, but hard things can break." I opened the doors. "Let's go teach them not to mess with us."

Kurai's point of view

"What's up with that weird fella anyway? Are those flames?" The voice came from a group of guys in a far corner. "Dunno man, but I've never seen one that ugly."

I looked at Kurogiri in a pained way. "Do not worry, my ego is unharmed." He said to no one in particular.

Footsteps came racing our way from behind me. I tried to look, but I couldn't turn my head that far. The door burst open, "Hurry!! We need backup!" The man yelled.

There weren't that many people here, I would say roughly 7 or 8. To ask for backup from this small group, it probably won't be long before the invaders reach us. Which wasn't a bad thing as it was probably the league that came here.

Some of the men fled, out of the window or walked through doors that led away from the man seeking help. A cowardly act if you ask me, but one that will keep you alive another day if you're lucky.

An overwhelming amount of blue flames came from the hallway and into the room we were in, devouring more oxygen as it entered. I heard a few men's footsteps and turned head.

As soon as Dabi's eyes found me, he rushed over. He burned the rope which set both me and Kurogiri free. The ravenette's arms clutched me against his chest, as he breathe heavily down my neck. It was a rather hot embrace, seeing as he recently used his quirk.

I hugged him back in a stiff manner, as he had rendered my arms immobile. "I thought I lost you. Then I'd never be able to tell you I-" His breath staked, "I..." His voice faded into nothing and he started making sobbing noises, but no tears came. "It's okay." I patted him on the back. "I'm fine."

Published: 17/12/2020
Wasn't going to do this chapter but oh well.
It's kind of trashy? And very late
Does anyone have a clue what's going on in the manga? I'm up to date and everything, I just don't understand it anymore...

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