Chapter 3

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Percy's Pov

When I appeared in the throne room, I saw all the gods with matching shocked expressions.

"Why do you all look shocked?" I asked them, still being clueless.

"You just defeated Ladon, alone, and just skill," Athena stated still a little shocked.

"Well, the Hesperides just said something about that I tamed Ladon and that I had a pure heart," I told them. Athena started muttering something like "True Hero... Pure... First One..." Aphrodite snaps her fingers and I am now wearing a blue t-shirt, black pants, white shoes, and a grey jacket my hair now has spekles

"Goodbye my nephew, time to go to your mother," he says right before I am flashed away. I appear right in front of my mom's door and I knock on it.

A girl with long straight brown hair and green eyes opens the door and asks "Hello, who are you?"

"Do you know Sally Jackson she used to live here?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry but someone killed them a year ago," she told me sadly.

"It's okay it's not your fault. Thanks for telling me, and have a good day!" I tell her. As soon as I get out of the building I ran towards the cemetery almost breaking down on my way there. I sobbed over their graves and realize there was another one for my sister Estelle, the sister I never knew about. I stopped myself from breaking all the way when I thought that mom wouldn't want me to break anymore than I already have. Mom would want me to be happy and live my life, she would want me to carry on without her. I stood up knowing that they were in Elysium with my friends waiting to be reunited with me.

I walked behind a tree and vapor traveled away from here. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew that I had to get away from New York. I appeared at a worn sign that was covered in graffiti, after looking at it for like 10 minutes I think it said "Welcome to Gotham" through all the graffiti and swimming letters. I start walking down to the rundown city not knowing what I would get myself into.

As I was walking it started to get dark, and as I was nearing the end of the alley I saw some shadows jumping from building to building while another shadow was near the exit of the alley.

"You can come out, I know you're there. But why did it have to be today?" I said with hints of annoyance in my voice to the shadow in front of me. A crazy looking clown dude comes out of the shadows and tells me "Hello kid, now you're gonna come with me to be my bait for Batman"

I glared at him with fury in my eyes which he seemed taken aback from. Then he broke into hysterics and said "We got a new batman with that glare". He pulls out a crowbar and advances towards me with a little crazy in his eyes. I started humming a carnival song and said in an innocent voice "How about I have some fun with you".

He looked skeptical with a little bit of fear hidden in his eyes, but then he smiled and ran at me as I smirked at him. I grabbed the crowbar and ripped it out of his hands, and I continued to judo flip him over my shoulder. I turned around and lifted him up by his collar "Night, night let's play again soon," I tell him before I knocked him unconscious. I dropped him on the ground and skipped away trying to find a decent tree for tonight.

Batman's Pov

As I was patrolling the city we saw a little kid walking through Gotham. "That kid's an idiot, he's gonna get killed out here all alone," Nightwing hissed lacing his concern with annoyance. We watched him from above as he walked through the alleys.

At the end of an alley, the kid got cornered by Gotham's very own lunatic, the Joker. I was going to intervene but he didn't look scared but he looked annoyed at the mad man, and I wanted to see what happens. Hearing shuffling from behind me I put my hand up for them to stop and watch. Red Hood reluctantly stopped and he resumed his previous place watching the scene unfolding below.

The clown rushed the boy pulling out his crowbar, but in one fluid movement, he took the crowbar and flipped the much heavier man over his shoulder. The kid lifted him up and said something and knocked him out with his crowbar, but what he said caused something that surprised us all... Fear. Genuine fear was in the Joker's eyes, even if it was underneath all his layers of crazy there it was. That was something my proteges couldn't even do, but a little kid did it.

We all knew that being able to lift him would have required training, but he flipped him without struggling as if it was easy to lift him. I sent three of my charges to collect the Joker, and Nightwing went with me to follow the kid.

The kid was wandering along the alleys aimlessly till he came across a park. As he was walking towards one of the trees he looked over his shoulder and waved at us.

Is it good, comment on what I should add, PLEASE!!!!!


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