Chapter 4

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Percy's Pov

As I was skipping through the alleys, I was watching the shadows that were on the roof. Two or three went down to that weird clown man on two were following me. They weren't as good as me at hiding in the shadows because when they jumped from building to building I could hear the thump they make as they hit the ground. Though they would be impossible to hear to the untrained ears.

As I was making my way to one of the biggest trees here, I waved behind my shoulder at the people following me. I climbed up the tree with a little help by bending some branches to me. When I finally climbed up to a nice area to sleep in, I made it a little padded with leaves and vines and added a little cover from people trying to spot me with fuller leaves and more branches. I made a fire with my hand and summoned a sandwich and prayed to Morpheus for no nightmares.

Batman's Pov

Nightwing gasped when the kid waved at us because it is pretty much impossible to see us in the shadows and even the villains can't even do it. We counting to watch as he expertly climbed up a huge tree, he made his way into a little area that was impossible to see through. We waited for an hour sitting on the roof so he would be fully asleep when we got him. We quickly climbed up the tree silently and into the little den he made from leaves and vines. I went to grab him but when I touched him, he grabbed my hand and threw me off the branch.

"Why can't anyone just leave me alone!" he said angrily.

"What's your name? Where are your parents?" Nightwing asked searching for answers.

"I could ask you the same thing," he countered "and what are you doing in that costume, it's not Halloween."

"Where are your parents?" I ask after I climbed up the tree again.

"Dead" he stated "Follow us," I told him as I climbed down heading to the orphanage. But he intrigued me as he just jumped off the branch that was like 25 feet in the air.

"Go inside and tell them you need a place to stay, I will find someone to take you in within the week but only if you stop lurking around at night," I told him when we arrived at the orphanage.

"Deal, but what are your names I hate not knowing what is happening," he responded.

"Nightwing," my sidekick said "Batman," I told him.

Percy's Pov

I was woken up from my dreamless sleep by someone touching my shoulder. I threw the person away from me and off the branch.

"Why can't anyone just leave me alone!" I shouted at them realizing they were the people that were watching me.

"What's your name? Where are your parents?" the smaller one asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," I told him sassily "and what are you doing in that costume, it's not Halloween."

"Where are your parents?" the bigger one in a bat costume says after he climbed my tree again.

 "Dead," I stated, once they heard me say that they died they softened up "Follow us," the bigger one said as he was climbing down. I jumped off my branch and followed them through the city.

"Go inside and tell them you need a place to stay, I will find someone to take you in within the week but only if you stop lurking around at night." The big one told me once we arrived at an orphanage, his voice holding no room to disagree.

"Deal, but what are your names I hate not knowing what is happening," I told him while knowing I'm not going to do it.

"Nightwing," the smaller one says with a hint of surprise showing through his voice "Batman," the bigger one tells me with his emotionless mask.

The New Brother (PJO and the Batfamily Crossover) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now