Chapter 5

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Percy's Pov

We walked up towards the door and Alfred knocked on it which confused me because who knocked on the door of their own home or workplace. After a moment I heard running footsteps then a lock unlocking, which explains why he rang the doorbell he must have forgotten the key. The door opened up to reveal a boy around 15 that has black hair with a white streak and calculating blue eyes that flashed with curiosity, hate, understanding, and oddly enough fear. After opening the door the boy and Bruce seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes, then he walked away.

Alfred led me inside and took my backpack to where I would stay. I followed Bruce through some halls until we entered what I assume to be the living room. Once we entered Bruce went over to a plush chair as if the sounds of running, yelling, and then the yells were followed by the sound of a couple of punches coming from a hallway were normal. I am used to it after living at camp with tons of ADHD demigods with weapons, but normal for a mortal family. That would be crazy, but nothing in my life is normal. I get interrupted out of my thoughts by a knife getting thrown out of the hall that heads towards me, I dodge the knife and then I grab it right before it sank into the wall. I look to where the knife was coming from and I spot four figures coming from the hallway and see the smallest one with his hands out in the position of just throwing a knife. I found the culprit, and I glared at him with my glare reserved for Leo when he gets on a sugar high.

The boy looked mildly surprised then he looked between me and the boy who opened the door who had a smirk on his face. I was sliding the knife up the sleeve of my jacket when I heard Alfred's extremely quiet footsteps nearing the door and right before he made it there I said "Hello Alfred." The boys and Bruce all held shocked expressions when I called Alfred out.

"How did you do that? Alfred is like a ninja," the smallest boy asked with a slight tinge of awe in his voice.

"Great job Master Percy," Alfred said while politely clapping his hands. "Why don't you boys all introduce yourselves, then you can give him a tour of the house," Alfred says once he finishes his small applause.

"I'm Richard but call me Dick," the tallest one says while forming a slight line, and his voice is friendly but also has a slight twinge of weariness.

"Jason," says the boy who opened up the door his voice asking for a challenge.

"Hi, I'm Tim," the shortest boy says with a cheerful tone.

"Damian, do not call me anything else," says the last boy who talks as if he is king speaking to a peasant.

"My name is Perseus but call me Percy," I told them with a neutral tone.

They all had unique personalities, but I noticed that they all seemed tense as if they could jump into action at any given moment. Once we all introduced ourselves we went on a tour of the Manor. They pointed out lots of rooms and there were a lot of empty rooms too. Tim and Dick were the ones that pointed everything out while also making small talk. The other two boys were just following along while bickering with each other. They got to a hall and pointed out where their rooms were, my room was at the end of the hall next to a guest room and Damian's room. They all left me at my bedroom door and went off to who knows where.

I entered my room and the walls and ceiling were gray and the floor was a dark-colored wood. On one side of the room, there was a huge flat screen tv that was placed in the middle of two doors. There was a gray L shaped couch in front of the tv. The wall that was in front of me had a bookcase and some shelves that filled the wall. The other side of the room has a bed with a gray comforter, a nightstand, and a desk. The furniture and doors were all made with wood a couple of shades lighter than the floor. The door to the left of the tv had an enormous closet with room for tons of clothes, and the other door revealed a large bathroom that had a big shower, a tub, a huge vanity, and a toilet (of course).

I hope it is good, comment if you think it is please. If you want me to add something in the story like a scene comment it also. This is for Sunday because I won't be able to get on my computer to publish due to being with my cousins.


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