26 - Love Isn't Easy

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26 - Love Isn't Easy

With a pounding headache already hitting him like a truck as soon as he woke up from his forced slumber, Michael groaned out when he felt the pain and once he opened his eyes to see himself back in his old room in Calum's and Luke's mansion.

"You're fucking joking me." He groaned again when he noticed that his right hand was attached to a chain that was connected to the bed, trapping him there. Also when he noticed Ashton sitting at the end of the bed with a small and nervous grin.

"Hey..." Ashton tried gently with a smile.

"Don't 'hey' me, Ash. Unlock me now."

"I can't do that and you know why. You'd just leave, go into hiding, and leave us to search for you for another five months."

"I don't understand why any of you would want to find me." Michael huffed as he managed to sit up in a sitting position, leaning his top half against the headboard.

"You know exactly why."

"Just give up, Ashton!" Michael suddenly yelled out, making Ashton's eyes widen in surprise, "I don't love any of you and I never will. I'm a waste of time, a lost cause. You, Calum, and Luke are wasting your time with me when you could have all just been together by now."

"Love isn't easy. It takes work and patience. And I'm more than willing to wait as long as I have to in order for you to become comfortable with the idea of us."

"I don't even like them." Michael rolled his eyes.

Ashton grinned playfully at his stubborness before more seriously stating, "Calum told Luke and I what you two had talked about before everything was ruined."

Michael's eyes snapped dangerously onto Ashton's, silently trying to peer out an answer. He should have known better in his moment of weakness. Of course Calum was going to talk about their conversation with Luke and Ashton.

"About everything that you feel. The pain, the anger, the want. You want to love us and you want us to love you, but you're too scared of change and becoming a person other than death and blood."

Michael still remained silent, keeping up a blank stare in order to avoid any more confrontation on his emotions.

"About your wife..." Ashton hesitantly brought up not missing the loss of composure on Michael's face when he frowned slightly and took his stare off of Ashton and down to his lap, "You can talk about her if you want."

"Calum already told you."

"But you can tell me more. Always."

Michael slowly looked back up at Ashton, seeing his soft and pleading look. He felt his heart pull when he noticed how desperate Ashton really was for him to be honest. He's put the other through so much lately, and he hated to see him in anymore types of silent pain.

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