28 - A Million Dollars

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28 - A Million Dollars

With a wide grin expressed on his face, Ashton was absolutely thrilled at the fact that Michael was officially here and back with him. Things felt more complete ever since they brought him home two nights ago, and Ashton wanted to dwell into the fact that he felt so happy.

"Do I even want to know why it looks like you just won a million dollars?" Michael asked as soon as he walked back into his set bedroom from the bathroom.

"Because I did." Ashton grinned even wider when he saw Michael look at him confused from this. Ashton sprung onto his feet from sitting on the bed and motioned for the other to follow him.

"Where are we going?" Michael asked confused once they exited the mansion after Ashton took a pair of keys off a hook by the front door. Ashton smiled cheekily at Michael once he turned around and started to slowly walk backwards.

"To go live, sweet cheeks!" Ashton giggled mischievously once he stopped in front of one of various and expensive cars, unlocking the doors for both him and Michael. Easily getting into the driver's seat, Ashton started the ignition while Michael—still confused—got into the passenger's seat.

"I'd say that 'sweet cheeks' is more of a nickname that Luke and Calum would use for you." Michael mentioned, looking over at the still grinning Ashton.

"Well they're not here right now, so I get to use it on you." Ashton sent Michael one last smirk before starting their way down and out of the long driveway.

"Yeah...I'm pretty sure that you and I are not supposed to be leaving. Especially considering the fact that you stole Luke's car, didn't tell them we were leaving, and since you all barely found me."

"Look at you all worried about getting in trouble." Ashton laughed, "That's a new one."

"I can tell that Luke is still pissed off. Even if he wants to pretend that he's not and that all is fine." Michael mentioned briefly, watching out of the window when Ashton started going way too much above the speed limit on the windy, empty road that was surrounded in by a mountain.

"We'll be back in time before they come home. Plus even if they do get back first..." Ashton trailed off with a smirk, "Then that only means punishment time."

"No thanks." Michael scoffed, "I'd rather not be beaten and shot to death."

"Oh, angel. I don't mean a punishment like that."

"What do you mean?" Michael asked confused, taking his eyes off of the window and onto the driving Ashton.

"I mean punishment in bed."

Michael's eyes widened, "Again no thanks."

"I swear sometimes I act up just so I can have Luke's fingers wrapped around my throat while Calum slaps me around." Ashton basically gushed.

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