Chapter One

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Celeste Vita

"NO Mary, how could you? You know how much I loved that little lamb!!" I said angrily.

"I had to do it, I was hungry and so was everyone else in the house" Mary replied while looking guilty, "So rather than coming and eating at my house you decided to eat little lamb?! YOU NEVER EVEN NAMED THE SHEEP, NEITHER DID YOU LET ME! YOU PLANNED THIS FROM THE BEGINNING DIDN'T YOU??" I yelled as tears formed in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay, we'll get a new little lamb if it'll make you feel better." Mary said while still holding the food she got for me.

"You're disgusting how can you replace little lamb like that!! And get that away from me! It's making me want to puke, I'm not eating that EVER!"

"WAKE UP CELESTE, IF I COME UP, AND YOU'RE NOT AWAKE, I'M THROWING COLD WATER ON YOU!" I heard a voice yell... I think that was my mother. Where am I? What in the world of chicken nuggets is happening? oh, wait I think it was a dream... more like a nightmare.

Melissa Vita, my amazing mother, is the most understanding and gentle person I know. She has straight brown hair with hazel eyes and a beautiful warm smile.

My dad, Dominic Vita, is traveling at the moment for his work. He has curly black hair and light brown eyes that would take anyone's breath away. He's the second most understanding and gentle person I know. He always knows when I need to talk but never forces me to, he just likes letting me know that he's there if I need it.

Coming back to my senses I looked around and saw my laptop was on and playing 'Mary had a Little Lamb' while my younger brother sang along...well at least now I know why my brain was so focused on stupid Mary and her dumb little lamb, who knew that could function as nightmare fuel.

Ace Vita aka my younger brother aka the most adorable thing in this world. He was way too smart for a six-year-old and way too handsome. He got most of our dad's features, from the curly black hair down to the light brown eyes. oh, and one more thing... he's as crazy about food as I am... maybe even more... just kidding.

"Come here you little cheeseball." I said while looking at him.

"Sing with me Lessie. Mary had a little-" He stopped once he saw the look on my face "Sorry mommy said I could use the laptop... are you mad?" he asked nervously.

"No, no, you little squirrel, I'm not mad, you can use it whenever you want, just be careful alright." And come give Lessie a squeeze, "It's the least you can do after the nightmare you put me through." Rushing towards me he gave me his world-class hug "What nightmare?" he asked curiously.

Shit, I can't tell him what Mary did, it would break his heart.

"Uhm... aren't you hungry you little booger?" I asked trying to divert the topic, knowing food gets his mind off anything and everything.

"Oooo food yeah, let's go have breakfast Lessie, it's the most important meal of the day." He answered while playfully licking his lips. Laughing at his antics I said. "Right you are, come on then you go down, I'll just get ready and come." He smiled and ran out after giving me another hug.

"You're just too good to be trueeee... Can't take myyyy eyessss off of youuuu... You'd be like Heaven to touch... I wanna hold youuu soooo much... At long last, love has arrived... And I thank Gooooddd I'm alive... You're just too good to be trueee...Can't take my eyes off of you." I sang 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' by Frankie Valli as I finally finished getting ready for my last day of school.

A breath of relief escapes my lips as I gave myself a look-over in the mirror making sure I looked okay. I didn't really wanna embarrass myself on the last day of school, although it would be hilarious as a future memory.

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