Chapter 6

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Abandoning Liar!

Link was ready to fight Calamity Ganon, so you accompanied him. Going through all the guardians, you two managed to get to the Sanctuary. Where Calamity Ganon was released.

As it fell to underground, you and Link fell with it. "So you dare go against me?!" It said. At that point, all four of Hyrule's champions were summoned to finally strike with their Divine Beasts.

You protected Link with a barrier of malice.

"You know that doesn't hurt me! So why bother!" As it bought time, Link attacked from behind. "I'm..not done!!!" You heard. The Calamity turned into a purple aura that left the place to go back to the top. Both you and Link teleported there.

Dark Beast Ganon was introduced. "That thing is huge!" You shouted. "(Y/N)." You heard a sweet voice. "I thank you for your strength. You're not from here, yet you fight along side him."

Link got on his horse and carried the Bow of Light. He went around the beast to shoot him anywhere. You held back Ganon's laser that may reach nearby stables.

Back at the Great Plateau, she watched.

"You really wanna watch?" Akari asked. "I do. It gives me hope.." She responded. "Something you took from me."

"Princess. I ask for your permission to lend this bow to her." Link said. "I see her ancestor looking far. It would make her happy. Yes, Link! Pass it onto her!"

"(Y/N)!!" Link threw the bow at you as you flew around and caught it.

Akari headed fast to where you were until someone created a barrier to stop her. "They're children. You remember saying that? As long as they aren't trying to fight you, under my watch, you will never touch them!" She said.

Ganon's eye opened. It was your time.

"Do you remember when I held you?"

"Yes, I remember."

You flew up and pulled the string just like she did and shot the arrow.

"I know you're angry." Akari said. "For someone who I loved more than anything, I hope they destroy you." She said.

Princess Zelda was released from Ganon. She went 100% on him and seal him away. You see Akari. She and her were heading back to the Great Plateau. You flew your way over there.

Link was left alone with Zelda.

"You..lied to us! I loved you! I looked up to you. I wanted to be as strong as you.." She said. You arrived and stood in front of her.

"I never..It never appeared in my head that you could betray me.."

"You were weak. Your power was nothing..even as a goddess." Akari was ready to attack. "No!" You got in between and created a shield. Akari grabbed you and threw you against the floor, then used her magic to create chains for it to hold you down. "Stop!"

"You're out of power."

Akari began striking her with light to make her disappear. "Please!! Leave her out of this! Strike me! Strike me..! I beg of you!!!" You screamed. "Call her name..and break it.."

You heard.

Akari stopped once she disappeared. She teared up.

"You have no right to cry!!" The malice inside you was growing again. "Because of you! She won't get to live in the spirit world! You! Should've gotten killed by the gods!!"

Akari remembered.

The malice broke the chains. "Her memories passed onto you? Amazing."

You tried punching Akari but she kept dodging. "You're pathetic. Not even your descendant can do something right.." She knocked you out and threw you off the plateau.

Link was at the bottom and caught you. "We need to go to Kakariko.."


You stood on a cliff, looking far in the distance. You felt immense rage. It made your malice want to go out. "You..traitor.!!!! I hate you!!!" Falling onto your knees to calm down, Link gave you something to eat.

"Thank you.."

He smiled. "I'll leave you some more time alone.." He said, leaving. Your eyes were locked onto him. He looked..pretty.

You sighed and fell off the cliff. Lifting off mid-air, you went around Hyrule to at least relief a feeling. The soft chill breeze hit you as you flew under the night sky.

But seemed relaxation wouldn't help. You got distracted and ended up on a forest. Getting on the ground and on your knees, you sobbed. Your power acted up, shaking up the trees around.

Link stopped and went back to the cliff.

"(Y/N)-" You were back. Turning around, you walked up to him. Placing your hand on his cheek. "You know this is the end of us." You said.

"It can't be, though." He responded. "I know..but, your journey is over. Your story is for one legend's purpose and it's not mine. It's both of y'alls." You looked at him and Zelda. "You were woken up to save her and Hyrule. What was many years ago is gone. It's my duty to at least finish her."

The moonlight shun bright on both of you. "Promise'll be okay?" He held your hand. "I will."

You began walking away.

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