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"You have no need of the blade. I am a friend." 

She sheathed her long-knife and brought the lantern closer to her face. The Green-elf was standing with his feet apart, holding the knife tightly in his fist, ready for another fight. In the orange glow of the lantern, the deep shadows on his face swirled. He stood sidelong and eyed her, breathing deeply. Finally, he slipped the knife into his belt.

"Have no fear. I am Tathariel. I was at the harbour when you arrived. But you had just left. With him."

"Who is he?"

Tathariel crouched and held the lantern near the Dark-elf's face. "I do not know. But I know one who might."

"He said his name was Gaeruil but –"

"We cannot linger here. It is not safe."

"I need to get to the Governor's Halls."

"Then that is settled. I have business in another part of the town. If you can take this one to Condir he may be able to help us."


"I shall explain later."

"Look, elleth, I thank you for your help but I cannot be sure that what you say is true. Now if you would lend me your lantern, I will gather up my belongings."

"Listen to me, Caladuin!"

"How do you know –"

"You do not seem to grasp the severity of this situation. You must do as I say before others like this - Gaeruil find us."

The Green-elf stared at her for a moment then submitted. She saw that she would have difficulty in working with this dolt and for a moment, wondered why Círdan had ever taken him into his service. Presently, he crouched down and started searching the body so she stepped forward and held the lantern above his head.

He glanced at her over his shoulder. "You would do worse than to tell me how to reach the Governor's Halls."

She sighed and started to walk up the street. "Go back to the Long Stair. At the very top, turn right. The gates to the Halls are at the end."


She paused and looked back.

"The lantern."

* * *

The house was in darkness. The lamps that adorned the doorway were unlit and one of them had been broken. Probably young boys throwing stones. Tathariel took the other from its hook and struggled to light it with her flint. Eventually, the mantle flared up and she noticed now that the door was ajar. Holding the lamp up, she reached inside her tunic and found her iron fist. She slid the cool rings onto her fingers and tightened her grip around the bar before easing the door open and slipping inside.

Tathariel didn't even know that what she sought was still in the house but she knew where Lethril kept it when she lived here.

She moved through the darkness of the entrance hall, past the staircase and right into the parlour at the rear of the house. The window here looked onto the enclosed garden so her lamp would not be seen by prying eyes. She moved towards the low table in the centre of the room, mostly hidden by the dark canopy of a fern, and set the lamp down on the floor. Carefully lifting the porcelain plant pot from the table, she revealed the silver disc set into the table-top beneath. She pressed it down and turned it until she heard the soft click that told her to release the pressure. When the disc popped up she eased it out and set it aside. With two fingers she felt for the thing that she knew would be there: the key.

She was about to replace the silver cap when she heard a soft thud from somewhere above. She froze for a moment, listening, then slipped the key inside her tunic. She glanced down at the lamp, decided against taking it with her. Now her eyes were adjusted, the house was a radiant blue, interspersed with pale lamp light from outside. She tiptoed quickly through the parlour door and toward the foot of the stairs. Sounds of disorder flowed down from above: someone was up there, rifling through Lethril's things. As she started padding up the stairs Tathariel could hear the intruder in the chamber to the left. Making sure not to brush against it, she kept close to the wall but as she approached the top of the stairs her foot found a loose step. There was a whisper of a creak but it was enough to make the sounds of intrusion cease.

Then she was rushing across the landing, hoping to overwhelm the intruder quickly. There was a deep thud as something heavy dropped to the floor. Then a tall figure passed across the rectangle of the doorway. Tathariel tried to stop but it was too late. The door slammed into her arm but her body kept going and the wind was knocked out of her. She reeled against the far door jamb then caught her balance just before she felt an arm curling round her neck from behind. Instinctively, her elbow sprang backwards into exposed ribs. She twisted round and sent her iron fist into the head shaped thing before her. When the dazzling recognition hit her, it took all of her consciousness to stop herself from beating that head across the room.

The Elf before her bent over and shielded his face from further onslaught.

"Noenion," Tathariel yelled. "Why are you here?" She listened to him moaning for a moment. "I could have killed you."

Noenion gave a muffled reply then straightened up. He lowered one of his hands. "Tathariel. When did you arrive back in Ethirost?"

"Noenion, what business have you here?"

He stepped back and leaned against Lethril's nightstand, dabbing the injury to his cheek. "At least you have not broken anything."


"Condir sent me."

"What were you looking for?" she said, looking round the room.

"Nothing," he protested. "He sent me to aid you in your investigations."

Tathariel walked around the dark, brass bed into the shadow along the back wall. She bent down and picked up Lethril's strongbox. It was still locked.

"You seem to have found this." She tossed the box onto the bed. Noenion bowed his head with an expression of something like shame.

"Again, Noenion," Tathariel said, stepping forward. "What were you looking for?"

"Something that belongs to me," he said.

"Nothing in this house belongs to you."

"Please, Tathariel. May I go?"

"You may wait for me downstairs. You will accompany me to the Governor's Halls."

Noenion shuffled out of the room and disappeared down the stairs. Tathariel pulled the strongbox towards her and unlocked it with Lethril's secret key. Apart from a bundle of letters, it was empty. She read the first few lines from the top letter then stuffed them into her tunic.

The Grey Pearl (Of Caladuin: Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now