something that happened

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🌟✨ Story time! XD ✨🌟

I forgot what character was but anyway, Haneen started accusing Alicia, she claimed Alicia was sending her notes saying she would kill Haneen because of her hijab or something. Alicia said Haneen was lying. I made friends with Alicia so I trusted her, but I didn't know who to believe now. I voted Haneen, but Alicia got voted out.

Then, Haneen struck again. She said ALLY was threatening her through notes, and now I was sure Haneen was lying. But unfortunately, Ally got voted out. Then, Haneen got voted out the next night and her journal said she lied about what she said about Alicia and Ally. And, she apologized. They didn't threaten her at all.

Literally EVERYONE was so mad! The next game, Haneen apologized again, but nobody wanted to hear it. Haneen soon left, and we played more rounds after that. Bye bye Haneen XD

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