💡 Ideas for Ghosts!

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When you die or get voted out and become a ghost, it's really boring. Most people leave when they're a ghost- and that's no fun. So here are some suggestions for things ghosts get to do!

➜ Haunting players. Like maybe ghosts can switch channels on the TV on the house map, if the TV even worked. And maybe they could open the fridge in the house map, flush the toilet, etc. Breaking windows would be cool too! Even if this suggestion is pretty small, being able to haunt players as a ghost makes being a ghost much more fun!

➜ Another thing is like ghosts can be seen through mirrors; if a player is looking through a mirror and a ghost goes to the mirror too, the alive player will be able to see the ghost. But the ghost will be visible in the mirror for a small amount of time.

➜ Getting to look through hidden rooms. For example, the hospital map has some boundaries of where players can go. It would be cool if ghosts get to go past those boundaries. Maybe some new rooms could be made that only ghosts can access and go into? Easter eggs maybe....?

➜ Giving alive players food. But not muffins, because that's what the muffin man does. So the ghosts can for example pick someone to give a slice of pizza to? But we don't want spam of food so the limit of food you can give to players should be 1-2 items and your only able to give 1-2 people items.

➜ Getting to be the announcer? Like the person who says "Discuss who is evil" and "(character name) has died." But what ghosts get to say as announcer is definitely not custom. There should be 2-3 options, for example:

"Discuss who is evil."

"Think about who is evil."

"Who do you think is evil? Discuss it."

And the ghost gets to chose the option. But if there's multiple ghosts, there should be turns. I haven't thought of the problem of being afk as a ghost yet xD

➜ This idea is only for the muffin man if they died/got voted out. If the muffin man is a ghost, it would be awesome if they could still give away muffins! But no ordinary muffins- the muffins will be a different colour and will be named 'Dead Muffin' so the players know the muffin man isn't alive. I think this will make being a ghost fun because you can still give out muffins!

➜ Getting to know who the savior is so you can hate on them after the game because they didn't revive you. Jk jk just kidding 😂 that would be a horrible feature XD

And those most of the ideas I have for ghosts! If I think of anything else I'll write it but that's all I can think of for now. Which is your favourite idea or ideas? Mine are the haunting players, giving food, being the announcer, and the mirrors thing :D

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