➡️ Tips for Some Roles ⬅️

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✸ On the first round, check the over talkative players first, or if someone claims to be a role check them too.

✸ Don't reveal your role, because the murderer and assassin will hunt you down. The psychic is a very important role to the good team, and the evils would want to eliminate them.

✸ Only reveal your role when you're sure the murderer is gone and the assassin has already killed once. If the murderer doesn't kill anyone for a few rounds, that means most likely they left or got voted out. And someone is killed by the assassin, then it's safe you say your role.

✸ Do NOT kill on the first round/ rounds. Save it to the end, then you can eliminate someone and win.

✸ If it's the first few rounds, and someone accidentally spills their role, leave it to the murderer. They'll probably kill that player, which means you can save your attack.

✸ Don't write the name of the murderer in your journal just incase you get voted out.

✸ You can write in your journal that for example, Charlie is the murderer but he's actually good, to fool people.

✸ Don't revive the first dead people on the first rounds. Wait till later, if someone admits their role but gets killed, you can revive them and get another good team member.

✸ Keep track of people's roles, you don't wanna end up reviving the murderer.

I know I have a little tips, I'm generally not even good at Flicker 😂

If I think of more I'll add ok baiiii!!!!

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