💡Lobby Ideas/general ideas!

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Being able to see the usernames of the players.
If you wanna friend someone you played with but don't know who they are under their character, it'll be easier to be able to know straight away instead of asking them.

At the end of the game, there should be some time for the players to talk to each other. Because sometimes, you don't teleport to the same lobby after the game as the other players. So it would be cool if we had a minute or two to chat to players after the round in the same game.

Making the queue/waiting room more fun.
Everyone knows when waiting for the game to start, it's really boring and dark in there. It could have some colourful lights maybe? Or fanart on the walls? Minigames?

A treasure hunt?
Some Roblox games have small treasure hunts for when you're bored, and Flicker can have too! I'd you're not familiar with them, here's how it can work: Where you spawn, there will be a code. Then you look around the lobby and finally find a place you can type in a code. If the code you typed in was correct, a secret door opens up which has a hint inside. The hint could be "Just beside the original Flicker" so you go there and find another clue. Soon, after following some clues, you find another secret room. Inside could be a badge, an Easter egg room, etc.

There should be a place in settings you can go to see: how many games you won, how many times you got murderer, how many times you played as each character, etc.

Spectating rounds?
Maybe you can learn new tips? Idk xD

Weekly Polls
It would be super cool if we could vote on polls. For example, there will be a question like "what's the rarest role to get?" and there will be some options. You can choose one and see everybody's answers

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