🦋 Roles the Flicker Characters Always Get!🦋

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Here's another art I did a while ago! Like 2 months ago xD
So this shows some characters and the roles they get a lot. This might not be accurate to you, but it is for me. Also, I might do another one of this, but with spy, witch, dark psychic, etc. I have a few ideas for it. Anyways here it is!

I kinda messed up on Kai, I didn't have any purples so I tried experimenting with pink and

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I kinda messed up on Kai, I didn't have any purples so I tried experimenting with pink and....here it is. XD Also, this is more accurate before the update, because there were less characters before.

Because I might do another one of these, what roles do the flicker characters always get for you? Please let me know because it'll help me make the next one! Thank you, byeeeeee!

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