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6:07 P.M.
Wednesday, February 7th 2007

"I like your car." I compliment shyly as he opens the door for me. It's smells like him in here too. I think I might be addicted to his cologne.

"Thank you." He smiles and walks around to the other side. When he sits in his seat, he starts the car and just stares at me for a moment.


"What?" I ask.

"Nothing..." he shakes his head before putting the car in drive.

"Does your face still hurt?" He asks sounding genuinely concerned. I nod, looking out the window.

"Yeah, a little." I tell him. He frowns.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry you had to go through that." He says quietly. I look down at my lap, feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay."

After telling him my address, I slowly drift off into a deep sleep. Not really dreaming about anything in particular.

I can hear him saying something but I can't understand what he's saying. Now I feel his hand on my shoulder. He taps me a few times before my eyes finally flicker open. They feel so dry. And I'm so tired.


I look into his dreamy eyes, just wanting to fall back asleep. He seems a little frantic. What's wrong?


"That's not your house is it?" He asks, pointing down the street. I look at the house he's pointing at through hazy eyes. Oh god...

I think... I think that is my house. My eyes widen as I take in the sight before me. It's just burning. You can't even see the actual house, it just looks like one big orange flame.

I look at him with a panicked face, tears well up in my eyes. He just stares at me, stunned.

I open the door and get out, walking closer to the house. Michael gets out too and quickly jogs over to me.

"What am I going to do?" I ask, staring up at him. He opens his mouth and then closes it before he just wraps his arms around me tightly, allowing me to sob into his chest. He's so warm. And solid. My hands grip his white button up as if I would die if I let go.

He brushed the back of my head slowly in attempt to calm me down.

"Hey it's okay, I can help you through this. You're gonna be okay." He tells me softly over my loud sobbing. He can be so nice sometimes but so cold other times. It's honestly confusing.

I hear sirens behind me, probably the fire department.

"I can take you to my house if you want? Or maybe a relatives house?" He asks, pulling away and looking down at me. I shake my head slowly.

"I-I don't... have..."


"I don't have any relatives..." I say quietly. He gives me a sad look, wiping my face of its tears gently so not to hurt me. Every time he touches me it's like there's a bolt of electricity that runs through my body. I wonder if he feels it too?

He doesn't really have to tell me he's sorry because I can see it in his face.

"Do you want me to take you to my house? I can have Josiah buy you some new clothes and anything else you need."

"No, I don't want to bother you." I look away, kind of hoping he won't take no for an answer.

He shakes his head.

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