Chapter 4 " Your name is Niall"

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Niall's Pov

i was waiting for Shannon to get home from school. "Where is she" I mumbled to myself. Then the door swinged open and there she stood, But of course i jumped on the celling. i Jusmped down.

" You know i can help you with that" i said. She litterally jumped off her bed and fell on her butt.

" How do you know what im working on" Shannon said with angleic voice.

" You are working on an esay about Ireland". I said

" How do you know" She said

" I Did the esay when i was in school". I said

" Oh cool, What is your name?" she asked. Gid damn she was so beautiful wiht the blond hair, brown eyes, and American accent.No NIall fucking i hate her.

" HELLO!!!!" She said

" Oh Niall, Niall Horan". I said. I knew my eyes were solid black anymore they were the lust blue. But i didn't care anymore.

  Shannons Pov

He came towards me grabbed my waist pulled me in and kissed me.I was shocked but i got butterflies in my stomach. I had feelings for the demon that's in my house. When we bothed pulled away from the kiss, His eyes were not the blue lust eyes they were the solid black. At that moment He pushed against the wall, He said something but then my whole world went black.

Nialls Pov

" I love you shannon,I am sorry for what i have done" I said wiht my black eyes.

Authors Pov

Niall was gone like that nowhere to be seen, Not even in the house.

A/N: HI i just updated this, this story is for my friend. Love, emma

DEMONS LOVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora