"Kurapika, I insist."

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I sighed as I wrote the last biotic thing.

I said proudly.

Leorio said, patting my head.

I blushed and looked away.

"Now you have to do abiotic! Do you remember what it means?"
He asked, as he was writing down some things.

"Um I think so.."
I muttered, tapping my pen against my bottom lip.

"It means something not alive, right?"

Leorio hummed.

Okay good! So I'm on the right track..

I stared writing some dead things..or whatever it's scientifically called..

The first thing that came to mind was a chair. So I wrote that down. Next thing that came to mind was a shoe. That counts right? I guess so..
After 30 minutes, I could only come up with 42 abiotic items.
I guess I'll ask leorio for help..

"Hey um leorio..?"
It was kinda embarrassing to ask for help again, but honestly I really needed it.

He hummed, not looking up from his books.

"I have 42 abiotic things wrote. I kind of need help with the last ones.."

I avoided eye contact, and blushed from embarrassment

Leorio chuckled at me.
"Of course I'll help.

He used his pen and booped my nose with it, causing me to blush even more..great..

"So, what do you have written down so far?"
He asked.

I grabbed the loose leaf off of my lap and handed it to him.

"Okay so these are all right, so at least you have a good idea on what abiotic means.."
He said, handing me back the paper.

I nodded in response.

"Okay, so look around your room. Everything except us and those plants is abiotic. Right?"
He asked, pointing at me with his pen.

I nodded.

"So, there's more then enough biotic things in this room, so just write the ones you don't have!"
He said, smiling.

"That makes sense.."
I muttered, picking up my pen.

Leorio was so goddamn smart..at least compared to me..he is perfect isnt he..

I smiled at him and blushed as he was writing down some stuff. I should start doing what he recommended.

Okay and the last item..my ceiling fan!

I grinned in excitement that I was finally done.

"Andddddd done!"
I said, proudly.

"Good job! I finished a while ago, so I decided to do some extra school work."
He said, smiling.

Of course he was done a while ago..

I glanced over at the clock and seen the time.

Holy shit it's 3:54.

"Wow it's a lot later then I expected.."
I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

Leorio then looked over at the clock aswell.

"Wow it is.."
Leorio said.

"Hey kurapika?"
He asked,glancing over to me.

"U-Uhm yeah?"

He looked hot when he was tired.

"Would you mind if I slept at your place tonight? It's fine if not."

My eyes widened. He wants to stay at my place? I mean, only because he's probably too tired to drive back to his place..BUT I ONLY HAVE ONE BED!!

"I-I mean sure.."
I muttered, with a faint blush on my cheeks.

"But where are you gonna sleep?"
I asked, slightly embarrassed at the fact I didn't have an extra room.

"I could take the couch?"

I didnt want him to take the couch, considering he's the guest.

"No, it's fine I will."

I got off of the bed when leorio grabbed my wrist.

"Kurapika I don't mind sleeping on the couch, I can sleep there instead."

I looked down at his hand on my wrist and immediately felt my face heat up.

"N-No it's fine."

I pulled my arm but he didn't let go.

"Kurapika, I insist."

By this point my face was burning, so much of hurt to speak.

"I..uh..I-I guess I can sleep in my bed."
I muttered, turned my head, hoping he didn't notice my face.

"Okay great!"
He picked up his books and held them in his arms.

"I'll cya tomorrow morning! Night!"
Leorio smiled and closed my bedroom door.

I stood there for a few minutes, then I looked down at the wrist his grabbed.

I smiled in awe.

I yawned and picked up my books, and shoved them onto my night dresser so I could sleep peacefully.

Perfect. (A leopika high school AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now