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(Quick disclaimer! I am in grade 7, so the science is grade 7 stuff, sorry if it's dumb.)

Kurapika pov

I stood infront of my living room, and dusted my pants. I just finished tidying up a few things. My apartment wasn't that big of a mess, it's just I got nervous so I cleaned some stuff.

I glanced over at the clock


I grabbed my phone off of the counter and texted leorio.

"hi. im ready"

It took him a few seconds to type his response

"Great! What's the address."

I typed out my address nervously. What if he's rich? I wouldn't be surprised if he was. He is perfect after all..And I live in a tiny apartment! Oh god..

"******** room 348."

I shut my phone off, and started biting my nails anxiously.

I kept telling myself it was gonna be okay, but I wasn't convinced it was. What if we stayed awkwardly silent the whole time? What if I do something embarrassing like trip? What if...agh..

I covered my face with one hand. I can't do this..

But I have to. I already sent him my address. He's probably already on his way!

As I was lost in thought, the sound of knocking.

I gathered my thoughts mentally and went to open to door.

"Hey kurapika!"

As expected, leorio.

"Oh um hey..come on in."

I moved out of the way so leorio could come in.

I couldn't help but notice how nice he smelled. I was so blessed.

"Wow it smells really nice here! Kinda like lavenders."
He said, smiling at me.

I felt like an arrow stabbed me in the heart.

He thinks my house smells nice? Ohmygod, I realllyyy  hope I'm not blushing right now..

"Uh thanks.."
I muttered..

"So, where should we start studying?"
Leorio asked me, turning his head around.

"Well I actually didn't think about that..oops.."
I stuttered, scratching the side of my neck.

"Oh it's fine, maybe your bedroom? Or the living room. Whichever you prefer."
Leorio said to me, smiling softly.

His smile was so attractive.

"Well I usually study in my room, so I guess if your comfortable with that we could do it there.."

I giggled nervously, fidgeting my hands.

"Yeah that's fine with me!"
He said, smiling.

I nodded and walked him to my room.

"You're room is simple. But not in a bad way, of course."
He said, as he sat on my bed.

"I'll take that as a complaint.." I muttered jokingly.

I said, grabbing the science books and papers from my bag.

"I wasn't really paying attention in class, so I forgot what we were assigned to do.."
I muttered, avoiding eye contact. It was embarrassing.

"Oh that's fine, I remember!"
He said, smiling at me.

He took my book, and flipped to a random page and pointed at a term called "biotic" and a term "abiotic"

"So basically biotic is a term for living, or something that was once alive. Abiotic is a term for something dead, or not alive."

Okay so I understand now..Hes quite good at explaining things.

"So, do you understand that much?"
He glanced at me, smiling.

I nodded.

"I think so.."

Leorio gave me a smile.

"Good! So, What's an example of something abiotic?"
He asked.


"A piece of furniture..?"
I was pretty unsure if that was right.

"Yep! Good job! Now..An example of something biotic!"

That was pretty easy to be honest.

"A cat."
I said, smiling proudly.

"Good job!"
He said, patting me on the head.

I could feel my face heat up as he patted my head. He was so cute.

"Okay, So basically the assignment is asking us to write 55 abiotic and biotic things!"

My jaw dropped.

I stuttered.

Leorio chuckled.

"Yep. But don't sweat it! I can help."

He seemed so confident..he really is perfect.

"'re a big help."
I muttered, trying my best to avoid eye contact.

"Awe no problem pika!"
He, rubbing my head again.

I loved when he did that.



"Huh? Did you call me pika?"

The blush was probably noticeable..shit.

He hummed, smiling at me.

"It suits you.

I felt my face heat up even more. I quickly covered my face and avoided eye contact, and grabbed a piece of loose leaf.

I looked up at leorio, who was already writing down examples.

I better get started..

So..I'll start with biotic. It's easier.


Perfect. (A leopika high school AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now