Chapter 24

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Okay, big step here Taylor, big step, I took a deep breath, before walking down the stairs, after three months into my recovery my therapist thought it was a good idea for me to set a goal for myself, a reward so to speak, if I get to a certain weight, I get to do something I would like, well my dads and mom, are about to get the shock of their lives.

I took a deep breath sitting down at the kitchen table, Emmy just getting home from dance class, thank you Emmy for giving me the idea, I glanced at everyone in the room, before finally opening my mouth, "So, you guys know how Ms.Anna said I need a goal?" I asked, right as Kendall put a plate in front of me, there was a chorus of 'yes' and 'hmm's around the room, "Well, I was wondering if I got to my goal weight if I could do dance? Like Ems. Maybe lyrical or ballet?" I asked,
Emmy's head snapped up, before nodding frantically, "Ems, breathe," Logan mused, "But, I actually think that's a good idea Taylor, give you something to work for. You get to 95 pounds and I'll sign you up." He mused, I felt excited, finally, something to help me, and 95 pounds was only 3 pounds away. This was going to be perfect.


After a week I was up to 95 pounds, and needless to say, I was quite excited to go with Emmy to sign up, we had decided to go with ballet since they would be the easiest for me, at least I thought it would be, fast forward to two months please.


I took a sip of my water, trying to cool down, three full hours of barre work, "Taylor, please start eating salads to help drop the weight." I heard my teacher muse, I stopped, okay, stop Taylor, feeling, how are you feeling about this? Well, shocked mostly, but you know shocked is not really a feeling, I feel shame, of how I lost control so fast, I had to lose weight if I ever wanted to be Clara for the Nutcraker I was going to have to lose some weight.

A/N: Dun, Dun, Dunnnn. What's going to happened??

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