The Coffee Shop

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It was morning, and I had just awoken. After getting dressed, I ran downstairs.

 "Hey, Netsu? I'm going to meet someone. Wanna come with me?"

  Bringing Netsu might be a bad idea but I'll do it anyway. It's basic math. Netsu, an already hyper person, plus caffeine was probably a bad idea. Despite that, If Aiko would bring someone, then I would too, and Netsu was the only person that would come. Netsu wanted to go so I got a bit of cash from my desk upstairs and then met her outside for the short walk to our nearest metro station. Netsu was pestering me with questions 

"Who are they? What do they look like? Are they bringing someone too? Why are you meeting them?" 

This continued until we got to the train and I finally answered her. 

"Their name is Aiko. I'm blind so I don't know. Yes, they are but I don't know who. I owe them a coffee. Any more?" 

The train started moving and I sat down. Netsu was just running around one of the poles again and again. I got an email, but it was probably was gonna be very loud so I decided to read it later. I spent the rest of the time just thinking. What would the other person look like? I wouldn't really know unless I asked them. Lost in my head, I almost didn't realize when a bell sounded and Netsu pulled me out of the train. She once again pulled me out of our station and down the sidewalk.

 "Where are we Netsu? Are you sure we got off at the right stop? I could feel a small shop on a hill but other than that I couldn't feel anything behind it. It could be the wrong place as far as I knew.

 "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the right place. I mean, what did it say? I know we were going to a tea shop, you told me that. Any other details?" Netsu said. 

"Yeah, It's behind U.A and I think it's on a hill" I told her.

 "In that case, we're here." She said.

 "Ok then take me to anyone who might be trying to get our attention."

 She once again pulled me towards a table outside, and I could feel 2 people there. 

"Aiko?" I asked. 

"Oh hi. I thought you were gonna be late. Sorry! I didn't mean to say that but I did but I had to!" She said, covering her mouth.

 It's ok. It's part of your quirk isn't it?" I asked. 

"I'll tell you later. For now, let me introduce you to someone. This is Lizzie. She's my girlfriend."  Aiko said, surprising me and Netsu.

 "Hi I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie. Nice to meet you!" Lizzie said, reaching out her hand. Netsu grabbed her hand and shook it as hard as she could.

 "Hi! I'm Netsu Todoroki and this is Neko!" Netsu said. I shook her hand

. "Hi. I'm Neko Tozoku but my friends call me Neko. Oh- before I forget to mention this I'm blind." I said. "I can still partially see. Part of my quirk helps me see. It gives me a black and white copy of the world, but there aren't any physical features. It might seem weird but could you please describe yourselves?" I asked.

 Aiko started. "My hair is black, and I wear it in a ponytail, with it covering one eye. My eye color is purple. Anything else?" 

"Thanks. That helped."I already knew what Netsu looked like. She had white hair and brown eyes. 

"Well, I guess it's my turn. Here we go then. I have platinum blonde hair, and I wear it in a messy bun. My eyes are a  light blueish color. Is that it?" Lizzie described herself. 

"I have a question, but if I'm prying too much you don't need to answer. Where is your name from?"

 I asked. "My name is British. I'm adopted and lived there until I was 5. My parents are Nejire Hado and Yuyu Haya. Anyways, should we go get our drinks now?" Lizzie asked.

 We went inside to order. "I'll have a hot chocolate!" Netsu shouted eagerly. 

"Could I please have an Iced tea?" I asked. 

"I'll take a mango dragonfruit refresher," Lizzie ordered her drink.

 "May I have a peppermint white chocolate mocha frappucino with almond milk and 3 extra shots of caffeine as well as a caramel drizzle. In a takeout cup. " What Aiko asked for surprised all of us.

"Woah," Netsu said, and almost spilled her hot chocolate.

 We went back outside, and I asked a question "Did you make it in? 

 "Yeah both me and Lizzie did, and we're in class 1-A. I checked the class list for your name Neko, and you got in too. Now that you mention it, I saw a Netsu too.

 "Class starts in a week. I have to go so see you then I guess, or maybe when we move into dorms." Aiko said, and hurried down the street, with Lizzie behind her.  Me and Netsu had already moved into dorms next to each other, and there were 2 left next to us, so hopefully, they would take those. We decided to walk home, and once again, all that was left was waiting.

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