Villains (Bonus)

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Author's note: I guess 13 is said to be an unlucky number. Why don't we take a break from our story in U.A and meet the villains?

~Jiko (One of the main villains) P.O.V~

~About 2 months ago~

"Come on Jiko. We gotta flee the scene" Me, Toga, And the other person were walking through an alley, covered in the blood of a pro hero and a civilian. The familiar smell of the sweet blood reminded me of when I saved my mom. The ungrateful woman looked so scared. I could even smell her fear. So... I had to... get rid of her too. "Okay, yeah," I said bringing myself back to the present, following my colleagues. "Can I take this off? It's so itchy." I asked. "When we get back to base." We continued the walk in silence until we got back.

3rd Person P.O.V

"We're back," Toga said, and she and Jiko pulled down their hoods. The other one kept the voice changer and black hoodie on even though everyone already knew the identity of them. They all went to different rooms in what looks like an abandoned shop with a huge storage area in the back, probably to wash off the blood. A teenage boy sitting at the counter picked up a list. "One down, four to go", picking up a red marker and running a streak through a pro hero's name. "So what was this one responsible for," He asked. Toga opened up the door again, in her signature cardigan. "They were picking up some clues at all of the scenes and were going to come here with a raid team. You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat" She said and took a seat. Soon enough everyone was back. Toga was sitting in the storage area with everyone else enjoying a fresh bag of blood, The hooded figure was standing in the corner thinking, Jiko was getting ready to go shop, two of the boys were playing an outdated Nintendo 64, and another boy was in what looked like a fireproof room. The area upstairs was completely black, and that was another person. In the years it had been, Toga was less crazy, and the only member of the league not arrested. They even had to make another Nomu with a warp quirk. "C'mon pleaseeeee warp me to the blood drive again, I need another bag and don't wanna walk. "It's literally down the street. Just walk" The high-end nomu said. "But I'm already soooooooo tired, and you didn't do any of the dirty work earlier. "Fine. You have five minutes." The nomu opened up a warp gate and Toga passed through. "Hey, I'm leaving to go shop! See you later!" Jiko skipped out of the abandoned store. The hooded figure spoke in a distorted voice. "You take orders from me. If they want to leave let them leave. I have the exams coming up, and the less distraction the better. Now, you need to "help me train. As soon as Toga gets back, we're going to Kamino. " They said "Ok, Ok." The nomu said, returning to go play Nintendo with the other boy. The girl who was upstairs walked down, and it immediately got dark "Nyx, you need to learn to control your quirk." The nomu said. "Oh, I know how I just don't care." She said, and the light returned. Toga hopped back through the warp gate. Oh hi Nyx, why didn't you come with us, we could've used you and instead had to murder the witness" Toga said. She walked to behind the table they had set up and put a few blood bags into an empty wine fridge with only those in it. Conveniently, Jiko had just gotten back and put a bag of food, and a bag of her own clothes, along with stuff like shampoo and medicine. Her hair had been pink when she left and it was in a red ponytail now. After putting the groceries down, she reverted it to her original pink. "And that is how to shoplift without getting caught" She had bought her own identical bar code stickers and slapped them on every item, so the machine thought she already paid. "Come on, I have the entrance exam coming up and if we want to infiltrate U.A, I need good scores. "Ok, ok, we'll go," Nyx said, and the nomu opened up a warp gate, and they all walked through. "Now, it's time to fight." Toga said, and Nyx darkened the area. There was fire, and the clinging of knives, and wood splintering. When the darkness clears, the hooded figure is standing victorious, and everyone else surrendered or is unconscious. They go back, and most people go to bed, exhausted, but happy they helped their leader get better. "It's only 2 months away..." The hooded figure thought to themselves before drifting  into a quiet sleep

A/N: As you can see, there is an imposter in class 1-A. The question is... Who? I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. If you have questions or ideas comment them below, as well as if they are male or female

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