First Day. A test already?

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~Time skip to a week later~

Today was the day.  Netsu and I had already started in the dorms, and to our luck, Lizzie and Aiko took 2 of the rooms next to us. The rooms weren't separated by gender anymore, so it was freestyle. Most of the students had stayed at their houses, so the building was almost deserted except for me, Netsu, Aiko, and Lizzie.

 I was ready to go and, despite the uniform feeling itchy and clogging my senses, making it harder for me to see, it fit surprisingly well. I had gotten a bagel for breakfast and ran back upstairs to grab a cane. Even though I could feel around pretty well, you never know. I met up with the three of them outside the dorms, and we walked there. I couldn't see anything so I started trying to memorize my steps. Once I knew the way, I could stop using it. The early morning dew coated the blades of grass like silk. Fresh air. I've always loved the outdoors and this was definitely a reminder. 

I could hear the faint chatter of other first years entering the building, and I knew that we were getting close. Sure enough, We were soon at the very door and on the way inside of U.A High. A minute later, we must've been getting close. As I thought, Netsu barged through a door, and we followed her. Inside was crazy. A girl was bossing everyone around, and most people were ignoring her. Someone was recording a social media video, and there was someone else with huge angel wings and a halo. wings. Some were sitting down, and some talking with a few others. We sat down in our seats, and Aiko and Lizzie tried to calm everyone down. Then the teacher walked in the door, and everyone Immeadately silenced. 

"Welcome to U.A. My name is Hitoshi Shinso  Blah blah blah, welcome speeches are boring. Go get your gym uniform on and meet me on the court in 10." He said rather unenthusiastically and threw us each a uniform. I headed to a locker room with the other boys, none of which I had met. After I got out I had to wait for Netsu so she could guide me, so we were almost last. I wish I could've seen what was going on because people were clustered into large groups and something important must've been going on. Netsu led me to Aiko and Lizzie and I asked them.

 "What's going on? It feels crazy." I said

"It looks like some sort of test" Lizzie responded. 

"When my uncle was here, something like this happened. It's gonna test our quirk and it's physical limitations. Last time he threatened to send someone home." Netsu told us. 

"This might be different. I've got a gut feeling so try your hardest. Last time he threatened it, and I don't think he's bluffing. I said. 

"Good idea. Last is closer than comfortable so do better." Aiko said. 

Shinso started giving instructions. "Alright, you will be participating in a series of tests figuring out your quirks' physical limits. " I heard Netsu say "yes!" quietly. " If you score last you are going home. Alright, time for the first test. The 50-meter dash."  

2 people stepped onto the track. The angel person from earlier, and another with no abnormal physical features. I couldn't tell anything about them. A little automated timer waited at the end. It said: "Ready, Set, Go!" And the 2 ran. Well not exactly. One of them floated on their wings and the other stood still for a second. Then they stepped on something and it cracked. It wasn't a normal sound. It was as if it was multiplied by fifty. The person was blasted across the finish line by the sound as we covered our ears. "3.49 Seconds," The probe said. Soon after, the butterfly fluttered in. "6.12 Seconds," It said again Test after test. The seconds blurred to minutes and then finally it was my turn. Here I go. Once again, someone that I knew nothing about. "Ready,set, go!" The bing jolted me out of my thoughts and on instinct, I started running.  Did she just... Jump? She jumped forwards and shot something out of her hands,  and then repeated that. "5.73 Seconds." She crossed the finish line moments before I did. "5.96 Seconds." It said. 

"You bounced like you were on a trampoline. That was insane." I told her. 

"Actually, it was  slime!" She said and walked away. 

 Once again I lost track of time and we advanced to the next test. "Grip strength." The teacher said. I picked up the thing. I squeezed it. "61 Kilos," The new device said. "High score: 189" I felt someone standing behind me.  I immediately picked the person I thought did that out from the crowd. How does someone that normal get 189 Kilograms for grip strengths? The next tests blew past. Standing long jump. Most of us cleared it, Including me. Repeated side steps. I did ok, but the slime girl stepped it up again. I'm pretty sure she got the top score in our class. Next up was the ball throw. I think that the girl was next. I finally got to feel her in action. she grasped the ball in his hand and prepared to throw. she released. She chucked it into oblivion, but feeling closer... those are suction cups on her arms."143 Meters" I had gotten 58. Pretty sure she wasn't even the highest score. Next was the distanced run. I was top in the top 10 of my class to finish. The sit-ups and toe touches were normal. Next were the final 2 tests. Weight lifting. she was, once again, top 3. I did ok and could lift pretty well. I was surprised when we got to the last test. Hanging off a metal bar, or hang time. I was first too. I wrapped my tail around, and then my feet and hands so that I was clamping on. I hung there for 5 minutes until I was told to get down because I was taking too long.

 The results were out, and Netsu read them to me. I was in 10th,  Netsu was 6th, Lizzie was in 13th, and Aiko was 17th. The person who Netsu told me was last was taking it weirdly.

 "Oh yeah, I'm fine. This happened with the current top pros. None of them got expelled. I didn't even try. " She said. 

"Oh yeah, by the way. I wasn't lying. Kiss your hero career goodbye." Shinso said. 

"Wait WHAT! THIS WASN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. I NEED TO TALK TO MY LAWYER. I'M SUING!" She screamed in a fit of rage. I don't know what came over me, but I knew it was right.

 "Listen, U.A Is here to produce top heroes, which you clearly aren't. You need to get your sorry self out of here, because U.A spends millions of hours and dollars to produce these heroes, and it won't waste them on you. Go home. I'm blind and even I can see that you don't deserve it" I said. With that, I turned and walked to the dorms to get ready for the next class, satisfied with myself. 

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